Its a Date Right?

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Tobin's Pov. 

Holy crap. I can't believe that Christen is my girlfriend, and it happened so fast. I had to think of something. 

"Would you like to go on a date with me sometime?" I blurted out. 

"Yeah, where would we go?" 

"Somewhere special. I promise you'll love it." 

She gave me one of those unsure faces, but said yes. We scheduled it tomorrow evening because I needed time to think of something. After I left Christen's house, I raced to Lauren's house. I knocked loudly, and when she finally opened it, I barged in.

"Yeah sure you can come in Tobin," she said sarcastically as she closed the door.

"I need your help," I said as I was shaking my hands. 

"What? What is it? Were you attacked?" she said as she had a worried face. 

"No, no no, actually I did get attacked, but that doesn't matter. I have a date with Christen."

She froze. She was one of the only friend who was not a vampire knew about my secret. 

"And your sure about all of this?" she quested after I told her the whole story about Christen. 

"Yeah. I mean, I know that my last girlfriend wasn't the greatest one, but I feel like Christen is special. She means a lot to me."

"How are you going to keep your secret from her?" she said, getting up from her sofa.

"I'll tell her but..."

"You'll what?!"

"Lauren, I can't not tell her." 

She studied my face. Lauren has always been the friend who would take your side. She would always think through before taking action. "I trust you Tobin, so don't mess it up."

I nodded. I then realized that Dillion was still at my apartment. I left and when I got to my apartment, I opened the door to see Ashlyn and Dillion talking. (Ashlyn is a vampire) They looked like they were having a good time. 

"Umm, guys?"

They lifted their heads, and smiled. "Tobin, you never told me you had a werewolf friend," said Ashlyn.

"I didn't until today."

"I can sense something is off, what is it?" said Dillion. Okay, he needs to stop getting into my business. 

I gave him an awkward look. "I have a date with Christen," I said out loud. 

Ashlyn looked at me, while Dillion had that confused face. 

"And I need your help Ashlyn to come up with ideas for it," I said breaking the silence. 

Ashlyn immediately got up, and walked towards me. "You got it girl. I have the perfect idea for your first date."

Dillion finally asked, "Who is Christen?"

"She's my- uh, my girl- girlfriend," I finally said. Man, I didn't know that would be hard to say. 

He nodded, and got on his phone. 

Ashlyn turned back towards me and said, "Let's get started."

Tomorrow, 6:30 P.M. 

Christen's Pov. 

When Christen picked me up, she said that she needed to blind-fold me. I was very hesitant at first, because I never liked going to places that I never know and can see, but I trusted her. I finally agreed, and jumped in the car, and we started to drive to who-knows-where. 

After ten minutes, Tobin parked the car, and came around to open my door, I still didn't know where we were. There was a smell of sand and ocean, and I could tell immediately we were at the beach. We stopped. 

"Are you ready?" She asked.

"Should I be?"

"Don't worry," she said as she took my blind-fold off. 

What I saw next was the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen. 


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It was simple, but it was perfect. Candles were everywhere, and a red blanket was placed on a flat ground. We walked down, and there was food in the basket. 

I turned to Tobin, "This is amazing Tobin. Thank you," as I gave her a hug, and a kiss the cheek. 

"Your welcome. Anything for you," she whispered. 

We started to eat, and talked. Every time she was talking, I just stared into her. She got up suddenly.

"Wanna go for a swim?"

"But I don't have my bathing suit."

"Just take off your shirt and shorts," she said. 

I did, and I could tell she was checking me out. "Like what you see?" 

She didn't say anything. Instead, she gave a smirk, and ran over to me and picked me up bridal style, and ran me to the water. 

It was freezing. I thought it would be cold, but it was freezing. I screamed. "Tobin!"

She just laughed. She was splashing water, as I did the same for her. We were in the water for what felt like forever, until we finally got out. We looked at the time and it was 10:00. Dang. Time flies when your having fun. 

After changing, and getting on Tobin's motorcycle, we drove back to my place. As we were walking up to my steps, I turned around. 

I gave her a kiss the lips. It was passionate. We got into rhythm. Her arms rapped around my waist, as my arms around her neck. I could be in this position for ever. We finally released, and after an endless goodbye, she went on her motorcycle, and me walking into my house. 

I finally came to the conclusion. Tobin Heath knows how to make someone's time special. 

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