I've got a Plan

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Christen's Pov.

At Abby's cabin, Abby opened out a map across the kitchen table. She, Ashlyn, and Dillion were in deep conversation. Ali was with Julie, who was trying to calm her down and explain the situation. I was sitting on a sofa with Kelley. 

"Kelley, what are going to do now?" 

She looked me dead in the eye, "We are going to get your girlfriend back."

I knew she was right, but it was hard to think how. "How do you know..." 

"You guys make it so easy."

I blushed. "I have a plan, but its on the crazy side..."

Ashlyn came in, followed by the rest, "You guys need to hear our plan."

"Shoot," said Kelley.

"We recommended that we go to Deer Wood, all together," said Ashlyn, adding the last part at the end.

"Okay sound good, but I have a plan as well," I said. 

"Alright lets hear it," said Ashlyn. 

I took a deep breath, "Since I was trained by Abby, I can't do much besides  fight with a pair of stakes. I want one of you guys to bite me so I can turn into a vampire. I can become 10 times stronger if you do."

Everyone was shocked. No one said a word. Ashlyn was the first one to speak. 

"Christen, you don't understand wha the consequences are if you become one."

"But I can't do anything. I feel vulnerable whenever I see Sue or the bad vampires. I hate that I can't do more when I see Tobin in pain."

 "Christen, I understand your pain," said Ali, "I was like this with Ashlyn. Every time Ashlyn would get into a fight, I would feel weak."

"Ali, don't tell me that I should not make a decision that I can't return."

"Hey, Christen, back down Ali is only trying to help you," defended Ashlyn. 

"I'll do it," aid Kelley. 

I turned around, and saw Kelley look me strait in the eye.  Without getting the others permission, I stuck my arm out and waited for the sharp pain. 

Kelley looked at me last time, and pulled out her sharp teeth and took a big bite. She kept her mouth intact with my arm. I could start to feel light headed when she kept on sucking the blood.  

"Kelley, I think you're good."

But she didn't stop. I saw her eyes flash. "That's enough Kelley," said Dillion. "Kelley!" 

She finally stopped, I stumbled back , and sat down on a chair. I looked down and saw my arm with two teeth marks. 

Tobin's  Pov. 

I woke up again with chains attached to my wrist and ankles. There was only one light that shined down on me. I saw that my wrists were bleeding because there were tinny stakes in them. I could hear water moving outside. I heard feet shuffling towards me. Sue. 

"Ouch, that looks like it hurts,"

I spat at her face, "You disgust me Sue, you are just a coward who can't face your fears!"

"You will not speak to like that."

"What is that you want, huh?" I asked, "Watching all of my friends die?"

"I want to turn you against your friends. I want you to kill them."

"I would rather die!" I screamed. 

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