Say Yes?

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Christen's Pov. 

I shot up, and looked around. I saw I was in a bed. the day's light was shinning in, and I looked outside, to see people working outside. 

I slowly walked down stairs, and saw that coffee was made. I walked out on the porch, and looked down to see Dillion, Kelley, and Julie working on the garden, while Hope, Abby, and Ashlyn were cutting wood. I saw Ali and and Tobin sitting down in chairs, reading a book. 

Julie saw me, and stopped working. Dillion saw that Julie wasn't looking, and turned to where she was looking at. He dropped his shovel, and gasped. The others started to see me, and when Tobin saw, her eyes immediately started to water.

She ran up, and jumped onto the porch, and gave me a bone-crushing hug. 

"Good to see you," I gasped. 

She didn't reply. She buried her head into my crook of my neck. The others dropped their tools, and walked up. They all gave me hugs.  

We all started to cry, but with joy. After, Tobin and I took a walk through the woods. It was peaceful silence. 

We kept on walking. The sun was setting, just so the place looked orange. 

"Can we stop?" said Tobin

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"Can we stop?" said Tobin. She grabbed my hand, and looked at me. 

"What is it?" I started to get worried. 

"When you were unconscious, I was thinking.... about us." 

"Did I do something wrong?" 

"I just want to make sure that we have a healthy relationship. I just don't want to mess anything up." 

"You're not, but did I do anything?" 

She kept on ignoring the question, "When they imprisoned me, they injected me with a syringe. A syringe to turn against you." she said, looking down. 

"I tried to fight it, but I couldn't." 

"How come you didn't fight me when I unchained you?" 

"I finally fought it at the last minute  that you showed up. The sight of seeing you gave me enough strength to fight it. You give me power."

I didn't say anything, because I was too busy blushing. 

"I want to spend every minute with you, and I am praying right now that you want too with me. I just want to make sure you feel the same way." 

"Of course I do Tobin, don't go thinking that I don't. I love you." 

I could hear her heart beating fast. Even if she said she wanted to stay with me, I was still scared. She took a big sigh, and I saw a beat of sweat coming down her forehead. 

She suddenly got onto one knee, and I knew what she was doing, but it seemed so unreal. 

"Christen Press, I have set my eyes on you since the day we met. I loved watching you kick a soccer ball, and I loved that you would not give up on me. You are my life. You complete me. I know that all of this is really cliché and I don't have a ring, but..." she chocked. I could feel she was anxious. 

"Will you do me he honors of becoming my wife?" 

I gasped. I started to cry. I could see disappointment in her eyes. Before she could say anything, I grabbed her hands, and pulled her up. 

"A thousand yes's." 

I gave her a hug, and I didn't let go of her. She started to cry, I did too. We held onto like this for awhile. 

We let go, and I felt like I could conquer the world. 

"What are we going to do now?" I asked. 

"We're gonna get married silly," she said, taking my hand and we started to walk back. 

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