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Christen's Pov. 

I learned many things about how vampires. what makes them weak, strong, and more. I learned that Kelley was bit by Tobin, but is fine now. I had to swear to keep it a secret. I had to sleep at Tobin's house, because she insisted that I would be protected more. 

I walked in school, and opened my locker. As I pulled out my stuff, I heard a wolf whistle, and turned  my head to see a bunch of jokes looking at me, giving me looks. I didn't smile at them instead, I walked pst them like they were never there. I walked into Physics, and sat in the back and pulled out my stuff. I guy sat next to me, and I could tell me kept looking at me. 

I finally had enough, "Do you want something?" I said harshly. 

"Nothing much, just you and me at a table over dinner," he said smirking. 

"As if," turning around. 

"You are a fights one, don't worry you're not the first." 

I could feel my head red. I hated guys like this. 

"Hey man, knock it off."

The guy who was trying to get me on a date scoffed, and turned around. 

I thought at first it was Tobin, but it wasn't. I turned around, to see Servando. Interesting. Alex's boyfriend helps me out. I heard that the guy wasn't the brightest guy, but was very nice to people who were close to Alex. He sat down, and I mouthed a thank you. He smiled and nodded.  

Morning classes ended, and I walked over to the cafeteria. As I was in line to get my lunch, I felt arms snake around my waist. I thought it was that dooche bag, so I slapped him in the arm, when they yelled out  in a girl's voice. I knew that it was Tobin. 

I spun around, and saw she was gripping her other arm, rubbing it. "I am so sorry, I thought you were someone else!"

"It's fine, but you did surprise me," she said shrugging it off. "You did you think it was?"

"This guy who keeps trying to get my number,"

She instantly tensed, she wildly searched the room, if she could spot him. "It's fine, Servando helped me."


"Yeah, I was also surprised, but I think we just underestimate his characteristic."

She was confused, but nodded, when we got our lunch we sat with the team, and talked about Servando. Alex kept on saying, "I told you so." But the weird part was was that Julie wasn't there. We assumed that she was just sick. 

After lunch we left to our afternoon classes. I only had two classes with Tobin, and those were the last two. I entered the room with Kelley, quietly talking about vampire stuff, until I saw the same guy coming in. Great. 

He sat down a little farther away from me so that was good. During that class I thought he never looked at me. Maybe Servando talked to him. As I walked up to sharpen my pencil, I had to walk by him. When I came back, he took the chance while the teacher wasn't looking, and stuffed a piece of paper in my hand. I gave a slight kick on the leg, and he winched, but didn't make a sound. 

I knew that he piece of paper was his number, so I threw it away. 

When the last two classes came, I was glad to see Tobin. But before I had to go to the bathroom. I walked in, and there was another girl doing her make-up. As I was cleaning up, I saw her stare at me. I gave a look that would say, "Can I help you?" 

She didn't say anything, instead, I saw her two sharp teeth. I backed away instantly, and was about to open the door, when she ran over, and slammed it shut, blocking my exit. 

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