I'm Fine

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Christen's Pov. 

I was sitting on my sofa, contemplating on how I would try to take my mind off of things. I didn't want to drink. I know how that would turn out. Instead, I walked to the beach, the same place where we had our first date, and sat down. 

I was never really mad at Tobin. I just wished that she told me sooner. I never thought vampires or werewolves were real until I found out. My phone buzzed, and it was a text from Julie asking if she would want to hang out at her house with the others. I agreed, and walked back. I got into my car, and drove to her house. I knocked on the door, and was introduced to Lauren who was laughing a lot. 

"Christen, good to see you!" Yelled Amy, coming up behind Lauren, laughing as well. 

"Are you guys drunk?" I asked cautiously. 

"No, we are telling stories that have us jumping off the walls," said Lauren, giggling. 

I walked in to see the whole team sitting on the sofa and floor. They all smiled when I entered. I had to plaster a smile on my face, but it was hard. Carli noticed, and asked out loud. 

"What's the matter Christen, something wrong?"

This was the question that I wanted to avoid. I don't even know if they know. "Everything is fine," I finally said. 

I could tell Ashlyn knew that I was lying, so when I got up "to go to the backroom." she followed. Before I got a chance to walk into the bathroom, she stopped me. "What's really going on?" She said. 

I looked down. "Its just Tobin."

"Look, I'm not quite sure if you know, but I can sense it, but I know that she's a vampire."

I immediately looked up. "You- you do?"

"Yeah, not the whole team knows. Kelley, Amy, Lauren, Ali and me. No one else knows, and it should stay like that."

"How do you guys keep it a secret?"

"It's not easy, but we manage. Kelley and me are also vampires. Kelley is the newest addition."

I thought for a moment then something dawned to me, "So it was Tobin who stole the blood at the donating center?"

Ashlyn nodded, "It was for Kelley because she was desperate."

I could feel tears in my eyes. My mind was blank because I couldn't process anything. 

"Ali also took it hard when I told her, but she finally understood. I would give Tobin a chance. She would never hurt anyone."

"I know that, but now I see her differently..."

"Don't. She may be a vampire, but she's still a caring, impactful person. I can tell the way she looks at you. She would die for you Christen. You have to understand that."

Ashlyn was the person to go to if you were having troubles. "Thank you, you've defiantly helped me."

"Your welcome. I'm always here for you," she said as she gave me a hug. 

We walked back, and saw the team was outside playing volleyball in the pool. We jumped in, and that was it. 

After I left, I drove home, to see no one in the house. When I turned on the lights to the living room, I had a heart attack. I saw the same person who tried to kill Tobin. 

"What do you want?"I asked, with fear in my voice. 

She looked at me, up and down. "Not to bad. I could see we Tobin would want you as her girlfriend," she smirked. 

I slowly backed away. "What do you want?" I repeated.

"I'm gonna come strait to the point. I think it doesn't matter if you know my name or not, so I'm gonna tell. I'm Sue Bird, ex-girlfriend of Tobin and I'm trying to win her back."

"By killing her?"

"Funny, that's what she also said too."

I was confused. They already talked? Tobin really needed to start opening up more. 

She got up, and walked towards me. "I'm not going to hurt you, that wouldn't be fair, but I am going to give you a warning," by this point she was 5 feet away from me. 

I was sweating. I know that she could probably hear it, but I didn't care. She smiled, "If you hurt her in any way, I swear to god I will rip your heart out."

"You still care about her don't you?" I asked nervously. 

"Of course I do! I love her!" she yelled, sending me walking back farther. "But she doesn't love me. She already told me that you two broke up."

"I don't understand."

"I know, I met her in the woods and we talked."

"So you guys are friends now?"

"I wish, but no," for a second I could see sadness in her eyes. 

I just stared. I needed to get out of here. 

"Are you done with her?" she said breaking the silence. 

I didn't respond. 

"Are you?" 

No response. 

"Answer me!" she said, running over, and picking me up off the ground by my shoulders. She had a death grip that sent pain through my arms. I screamed. 

"Shut up!" as she threw me across the floor. 

I was scared. I pulled out my phone, and pressed the first number. I crawled as fast as I could. I was too scared to get up and run. Sue was trapping me to the door. I knew that if I tired to run to the back, she would beat me. 

"I didn't want this to happen, but you just ticked me off!" she said, and was about to attack me, until she was pinned to the wall. It was Tobin. Tobin who came to my rescue. 

I could see the hatred in her eyes. Her eyes were red with veins around them. They thrashed around, making  a mess.  I moved out of their way. Tobin was throwing every punch, while Sue was doing the same. 

Sue was on top of Tobin, pinning her down. She held Tobin's arms up towards her head. It looked like she wasn't going to do anything, since she still loved her. 

I took that chance, and grabbed one of the shards of a coffee table, and thrusted it into her thigh. She screamed, and released Tobin, having her take advantage, and throwing her to the side. 

Tobin took another wooden-like stake, and threw it into Sue's leg. She screamed again. Sue looked up at us, Tobin in between her and me for protection. Sue gave one last yell, and ran off like a blur. 

Tobin sighed, relaxed, and turned around. She checked my body to see if I was hurt,which fortunately I wasn't. 

"Did she hurt you in any way?" she asked cautiously. 

"No, just shaken up a bit."

She nodded. The next thing that happened was quick. We cleaned up fast, and Tobin said that she would replace the coffee table. I told her it was fine, but she insisted. After we were done, we both stared at each other. 

"I know that you hate me, but I'm sorry for not telling you," she said. 

I didn't give any signals to her. I was like a blank sheet of paper. 

"I'll accept if you don't want to see me anymore. I will walk out of here, and not be in your life, if that's what you want," I saw tears coming out of her eyes. I hated to see her like this. 

I thought about what Ashlyn said about giving her a chance. "Tobin I could never hate you," I said as I walked over to her, and gave the biggest hug. 

She was surprised at first, but then I felt her arms wrap around my waist. She also tightened her grip. I missed her warm body on me. "I love you Tobin," I whispered. 

"I love you too Christen," she replied. 

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