Chapter 4

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After the movie me, Johnnie, and Alex headed to a nearby hotel so that we could meet up with the rest of the mde members. I wish I was apart of mde. But oh well.

I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw that Johnnie had his arm around Alex. For some reason he didn't look happy. I'll ask him about it later.

"Raspberry can I talk to you ?" Alex asked me. I nodded and followed her down an empty hallway.

"I see the way you look at Johnnie " oh great. I know what she's going to say. I watch a lot of tv and read a lot of love stories.

"Listen Alex I know what you're going to say and I will not stay away from Johnnie. He is my best friend. He is your boyfriend. I like him as a friend so just mind your business and piss off" I smiled and then jogged over to where Johnnie was. Alex just stood there. Anger all over her face, She knows that she just got burned with fire. That's my specialty.

"Everything okay?" Johnnie asked Alex.

"No nothing is not okay. You brought that girl here with us and she's trying to steal you from me. She came from a mental hospital. From all of the crazy people. How can you be friends with that?" this bitch.

"For your information , I am crazy. If I weren't nice enough I would be kicking your ass right here in this hallway. In front of every body. No , im not trying to steal Johnnie from you but if it was up to me. I would help him find someone else to be with because you don't deserve him. A-" and then her hand collided with my cheek. Oh it's on now.

I grabbed a chunk of her pink hair and pulled it. Everbody was shouting and some tried to stop the fight. Nobody touches my face. I punched her non-stop. She scratched my face a couple times but that didn't stop me.

"STOP" Kyle yelled. I got off of Alex and ran out of the hotel. Wow great first impression. Now they think I'm a crazy woman.

I heard foot steps coming towards me and I looked up. "Hey I'm Shannon" she said. I smiled and said

"I'm Raspberry " she smiled.

"Hey what happened back there?" Shannon asked. "Um she said that I was trying steal Johnnie from her and then she just slapped me." she nodded.

"Yea she's always protective over Johnnie. " wow. I didn't know that. (Note the sarcasm)

"Raspberry are you okay?" Johnnie hugged me.

"Yeah but shouldn't you be hugging Alex?" I'm confused.

"No. I broke up with her" I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Why?" he looked at me and said,
" Because you are my best friend, she said mean things to you, and I love you. (2018-wtf😩)"

Wait he loves me? I hugged Johnnie.

Shannon said. I looked at Johnnie and we blushed.

"Come on we have to film. " i nodded and we walked towards the hotel door.

" Okay next question. This is for Raspberry. Who was the first person to go in space?" Bryan asked me. Everbody was currently playing eat it or wear it. Bryan had a bottle of ketchup in his hand.

"Uh Beethoven?" I answered.

"No not even close." Bryan laughed. I groaned. I already had chocolate, syrup, milk, and mustard in my hair. Bryan poured ketchup in my hair and I screamed. "Thanks for watching. Life's a bitch don't quit. Stay happy not crappy. And peace. Out. Thug. Pugs." Johnnie stopped the camera. I went to the bathroom and picked out some clothes to change into for bed since the clothes I have on has food on it.

Johnnie's P. O. V
I watched as Raspberry went to go take a shower.

"Johnnie please talk to me" Alex pleaded. I shook my head and sighed.

"What is it Alex?" she came closer to me.

"I miss you. I want to cuddle with you. Please don't get with Raspberry. Please." she pleaded again. I can't stand her right now.

"No Alex you don't tell me what to do " I shrugged her off and went into the kitchen with Robby.

"Hey Johnnie! " Robby yelled.

"Hi Robby!" I yelled back. He chuckled.

"Hey can I ask you something?" I nodded and he sat down in a chair.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" Robby asked. I nodded slowly telling him to go on.

"I feel that towards Raspberry. " I was shocked. He likes Raspberry. What if she likes him back. Oh no.

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