Chapter 13

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I sat on the hotel bed and thought about Johnnie. I'm so stupid. I should've kissed him. I groaned and got into the shower.

I got dressed and crashed onto the bed. I heard laughter coming from the other room and sighed and  sat up. Maybe I should stop being depressed and  laugh with them. I nodded and walked towards the door. 

I knocked on the door and Bryan came to the door. "Hey Raspberry come in" I smiled and sat on their couch. I noticed that Bryan had a camera in his hand and he had it in my face. I smiled and pushed him away.  "Guys Raspberry is here!" Bryan announced. Everybody nodded and said "hey" or "hi".  I turned to look at Johnnie but he was already looking at me.  

Johnnie's P. O. V 

"Guys Raspberry is here!"Bryan announced. Everyone said hey or hi while I just sat there. I should have kissed her. I should have asked her to be mine again. I miss her. She turned to look at me and our eyes met.  She smiled and I saw her cheeks redden. I felt my cheeks heat up as well. I need her back. I stood up and grabbed her hand. I took her to my room and shut the door. "Listen Raspberry.....I miss you"  

Raspberry's P. O. V 
" Johnnie .....I miss you too"then he grabbed my chin and pulled me into a gentle kiss. He pushed me onto the bed but never broke the kiss. I pulled his head down so the kiss got more heated. I broke the kiss and looked at him. "Raspberry" he pecked my lips. I smiled. "What?" he smiled and pecked my lips. "Will you be mine again?" I smiled even wider and said. "Yes I will be yours  again" he kissed me once again. God, I missed this. 

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