Chapter 21

21 3 7

(Tokyo Ghoul

Johnnie's point of view

I looked at Raspberry in shock. Tears began to form in my eyes. She gasped and looked down. She whimpered and hid  her arms behind her back. I stepped forward , she stepped back.  "Rasp-" She let out a sob and ran into the restroom. A warm tear ran down my cheek. Shannon and Tyler ran over to me. "Um , we just saw Raspberry run into the bathroom crying. What the hell happened?"Tyler asked in a serious tone. Should I tell them?

Raspberry's point of view

I sat in the bathroom stall and bawled my eyes out. I suddenly had that urge. My wrist and thighs started to tingle. But I don't have anything . "Shit" I whispered. I took my hair tie and slapped it against my wrist. That only helped a little. I opened the stall door and slowly walked out of the restroom. As soon as I stepped out three people engulfed me into a hug. "Lets get on one more ride before we go" Shannon suggested. We nodded and walked towards the Ferris Wheel. 

The next day

My alarm clock went off and I groaned "Whhyyyyyyyyy" I pressed the snooze button and pulled back the cover. I ran my fingers through my hair. Last night was something else. I walked over to my closet and pulled this out.

I stood under the warm water  and sang some of my favorite songs. 

(After Shower)

My phone started to vibrate and I saw that Johnnie was calling. I picked up my phone and just stared at it. After what happened last night , things were very awkward. I hit the answer button and said hello. As soon as I heard Johnnie sigh I knew something was up. "We need to talk" Johnnie stated. I stares to grow worried. Is he going to break up with me? "Come to my apartment" After that he hung up. I took a deep breath and walked across the gall to his apartment. I knocked and the door three times. As soon As the door opened I was pulled in. "Johnnie what's going on?!?!" I yelled. Bryan stood up and his eyes were red and puffy. "Rasp, we're ending MDE and we are moving " I looked at Bryan then Johnnie. I started to feel dizzy. Before you know it I was on the floor. I fainted. 

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