Chapter 27

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I walked Melanie home and then walked all the way back to my moms house. I would have asked her to pick me up but I kind of broke my phone. Melanie is such a nice girl. She is like the sister i've never had. My real sister doesn't even know I exist. I shook my head as I finally made it to my moms house. I opened the door and my mom looked up at me. "Hey honey-what's wrong?" she instantly asked after seeing my smudged make up , and the dried up tears. "I don't want to talk about it right now"my voice hoarse as I weakly smiled at her. "O-okay" she looked at me with worry filled eyes. I nodded my head and ran into the bathroom. I pulled open my drawer and reached for my razor. That was not there. I started to panic. Where on earth could it possibly be?!?!?! I searched every where in the tiny bathroom and made a huge mess. I slid down onto the floor and started to cry. Why am I like this? My boyfriend hates me. I'm such a slut. I got up and looked into the mirror. I shook my head vigorously and punched the mirror. Glass shattered every where. But I didn't care. I grabbed a sharp piece and slid it across my wrist.

One for Johnnie
One for Kyle
One for Mom
And one for no reason at all. The last one was the deepest i've ever cut. I started to bleed out and didn't even do anything about it. Maybe its time for me to


her moms point of view (hehe didn't expect this one)

Raspberry ran up the stair and I heard the bathroom door slam. That was a shuffling and muffled sobs. I pondered over if I should go see if she was Okay. But then I heard glass shattering and I hopped up and ran to the door. "RASPBERRY !" I tried to open the door but it was locked. I pushed up against the door and that didn't help. I grabbed my phone and dialed 911

Dammn shitz just got real. Heh........hope you enjoyed this chapter that was short and kind of a cliffhanger. Just to make this clear. I do not support self harm. Please do not do it. Been there done that and its HORRIBLE. No matter what happens you will get through. It may be dark but there will be light. Thankskby😛

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