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I was currently at YG's parking lots doing guess what? Absolutely nothing.

Just wasting time because Jihoon hasn't come yet.

Yesterday we planned to see each other at YG's building at 9 pm and then go out for some drinks.

We're really close, I've been sharing my time with him since I came back to Korea.

He's like the big brother I never had.

I see someone running toward me and I know immediately that is him.

"Danbi!" He says out of breath.

"Jihoon are you okay? You look pale"

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry but something happened last night"

"What? What happened?" I asked concerned.

"I lost my phone" He said ashamed.

"Don't worry Jihoon I'll buy you a new one" I tell him trying to calm him down.

"That's not the problem! I had some important contacts there and............your picture with Wonho......"

"YOU WHAT? THAT IS INDEED A PROBLEM DUDE! IT'S SERIOUS" I said holding my head with my hands.

Great, I'm having a panic attack right now.

"Where did you lose it?"

"At the restaurant, after having dinner with my girlfriend I was about to take her home, I was already in the car and I couldn't feel my phone so I came back running to the restaurant and It was already gone"

"Let's hope for the best" It's the only thing I can manage to say.

"I don't feel like going out now, let's go to my place and drink there" I tell him while heading to the car.

You can see the guilt in Jihoon's eyes but it's not his fault.

It just happened.

In our way home my phone started ringing and what surprised me was the name of the contact...

"Jihoon, someone is calling me with your phone!" I yelled.

"Well answer! Don't waste time"

"Hello is it Yang Danbi?"

"Uhm yes this is her, I'm sorry but how did you got my manager's phone?"

"I found it at a restaurant and when I came home I found a way to unlock it, I'm calling you to give it back to you, as it's something personal so I guess it's a shame to lose it"

"Well indeed it is, thank you, but wait do you want money or something?" I ask her, yes, it's a her.

"Oh no no, it's not necessary, let's meet at Aerum's Park and I'll give it to you"

"Okay, I'm on my way thank you" I say and hang up.

"Jihoon let's go to Aerum's Park, she's going to wait for us there".

"Got it!" He answers and changes the way.

As we reach the place we can see a petite girl with long brown hair and an oversized sweater.

"That must be her" Jihoon says and I nod.

We approach her and she bows at us.

"Hi my name is Yeeun, I'm sorry for making you come at this time of the night, here's your phone" She says and gives Jihoon his phone back.

Painful [NCT Ten] 《Finished》Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα