Playing with Fire

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My uncle took a break from work, he needed to rest and to spend more time with his own family which for me, was the most correct thing to do...

As soon as he made it public, he named me CEO of the company and the people was shook.

Many of them accepted it right away knowing the reasons (as my father's death got to the media), but there were others who didn't have mercy sending malicious comments toward me.

I actually understand them, maybe the wanted someone like GDragon to be the CEO, but to be honest it was safer to keep the position on family lands...

I've been working harder than ever, harder than anyone to prove everyone (including myself) that I'm fully capable to do this, that I can do whatever the haters said I can't.

I think I actually can understand how my uncle feels working so much, after a month working as CEO I've got under so much stress, but well let's consider I'm working really hard and not even complaining...

My mother is worried about me seeing how tired I get home, she's been living with me and I can't blame her, I often look like shit and feel like it too haha.

My original plans was to buy her a house here in Korea so she would be near me, but after what happened I decided that the best was that she lived with me.

I don't regret a bit of it, my mother reminds me only by looking at her face, that I have to work harder and to stay strong as my father did when I was a kid...

By the way, you might ask what happened with Lisa afterall, well that's really something, I was planning to beat her really hard, but then a voice deep inside me told me that wasn't correct.

I told her she didn't have to ask me for forgiveness, it wasn't my relationship afterall so she took my advice and talked with Ten, they solve things but he said he might not talk to her that much in the future, she understood him and things were alright between them.

She thanked me for helping her and I really think there's nothing to thank, maybe anyone could have done that for her it's just that it happened to be me haha.

She comes to my office every morning, she says hi and gives me breakfast, as silly as it can sound that makes my day a little, I mean being under so much pressure is awful, but if someone does little things to cheer you up, it really helps.

Ten came to my house for the first time, I never invited him because we were always fighting, but now I must said we're okay, our friendship is only getting stronger each passing second, he's one in a million and I can't imagine how would have been my life if we never met many years ago.

Wonho and Ten are really good friends, which is funny for me because when Ten visits me and Wonho is around they get super beagles, like if they have been friends since birth, they really match.

With Wonho of course I've dated him, but not as before because I'm been busy with work and he totally understands, he says I'm skinnier now... (Ten says the same but dude I can't help it).

He cheers me up everytime I have bad days and tries to make me forget about my worries and hugs me when I'm crying, because I can't deny sometimes my depression overcomes me, thank God Wonho is there to support me...

Today's my rest day, my mother told me she was going to sleep over my aunt's house, but I know she's doing it on purpose because Ten is going to stay here tonight, she told me yesterday she wants me to clear everything with Ten in order to move on.

I already told her I moved on but she insists that I can fall for him in any second, which makes me laugh because I have a boyfriend already, I have to be loyal though.

Painful [NCT Ten] 《Finished》Where stories live. Discover now