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I came back to my senses and I immediately backed off.

"Don't play with me like that Chittaphon, you know I'm with Wonho" I told him seriously.

"I was just confirming your loyalty, you've never fail to impress me" He answered while clapping.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I'm not gonna say you and Wonho are soulmates because I'm more than sure that I'm your true soulmate but I wanted to confirm how loyal you both are"

I still couldn't understand his point so he proceeded.

"During one of my hangouts with Wonho, I left him alone because I told him I needed to go to the bathroom, by the time I came back I saw a girl trying to seduce him but he immediately backed off and told her he was in a relationship, so I wanted to know what would you do in a situation like that" He told me and I a laughed a little.

"Well played I guess, my true soulmate" I said and laid back in bed, I think only one minute passed before I fell asleep.

By some reasons the next morning I woke up feeling insecure like if I had neither self-esteem nor confidence.

I went to the kitchen and found Ten making breakfast, or at least trying.

He was making pancakes and it was funny how the first ones were burnt but the others looked fine.

"Good morning" I spoke in a low tone.

"Morning, are you feeling well?" He replayed without looking at me.

"Yes, why wouldn't I?" I joked even though it wasn't true.

"I don't know, your mood changes really fast sometimes" He said and we laughed along.

"What are you doing today?" Ten asked me while we were eating.

"I'm going to the doctor, then I'm going to work"

"Why? Is everything okay? Do you want me to accompany you?"

"Too many questions, everything's fine I'll just go to get my results and no, I'll be fine on my own" I replied at him giggling.

"What about you?" I asked him casually.

"I was planning on staying here if you don't mind" He replied giggling shyly.

"It's okay by me, depending on what the doctor says I might not go to work today so we can spend time together"

"What kind of results are you going to get?" He asked curious and I sighed.

"I haven't talked about this with anyone before, not even my mother but I guess I can tell you, remember I often get panic attacks and those stuffs?"

"Yeah, did you go to a psychologist?"

"I did and by some reasons he said I might have problems, he thinks I'm going to get crazy every time my depression, anxiety and panic attacks gets together, since my father's death it has been happening to me very often but I'm always hiding it, I'm taking pills for the depression but I feel it's destroying me little by little" I told him the truth and he remained quiet for a while then he came to my side and hugged me.

"Why are you carrying this kind of things by yourself? I'm here for you always, I'm sorry for hurting you in the past but I swear it won't happen ever again so you can count on my okay?" He said caressing my hair and I hugged him tightly.

Painful [NCT Ten] 《Finished》Where stories live. Discover now