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"Guys something came up, I gotta go" I told my family, I didn't give them time to react because I was in a hurry, I left the place running and called a cab then went to NCT's dorm.

As soon as I knocked the door it was immediately opened by a worried Taeyong.

"Where's he?" I asked concerned.

"Locked in his room" He said gesturing me to come in.

I rushed in front of his door, Johnny who was Ten's roommate was in the living room, I suppose Ten didn't leave him in.

I knocked calmly.

"Go away!" Ten yelled.

"Ten is me, Danbi" I said and seconds later he opened the door and pulled me in.

He closed and locked the door behind me, then hugged me and cried hard on my shoulder.

I was caressing his back, not knowing what to do, he looks destroyed and that breaks my heart.

I looked around and found empty bottles, so I guess he's been drinking.

"Why didn't I believe you Danbi? This could have been less painful" He said and I tried to wipe his tears but it won't stop falling.

"It's not your fault Ten" I whispered, still caressing his back.

"Wasn't I enough?" He asked and my heart started to ache.

'I asked myself the same question when you broke up with me' I thought.

"When did it happen?" I asked.

"A couple of days ago"

"Why didn't you call me before?"

"I guess the hardest part was to admit you were right and I was wrong" He said with a faint smile and I sighed.

"We all make mistakes Chittaphon" I said while leading him to his bed, he laid down and I sat on the cold floor.

He held my hands and I didn't back off, if it makes him feel better I'm okay with that.

"My biggest mistake was to let you go" He said looking at my eyes with a sad expression.

I looked down, avoiding his gaze.

My eyes became glassy, his words were hurting me but he didn't know.

If he had said that to me a year ago, things would have been different and we could be together now, but it's not the same, my feelings are not the same as before.

"A while ago I realized I was still in love with you, but I decided to ignore my feelings just because I wanted the things with Lisa to work" He said almost whispering, he was falling asleep.

I nodded, I wasn't ready to answer him those things he was saying.

After a while of silence, he fell asleep, holding my hand.

I've been crying silently trying not to bother him.

"Why are you doing this to me Ten? I don't want to break your heart as you broke mine" I whispered, knowing that he's not listening.

I looked at my watch and it was already 12 am, I needed to go home.

I let go his hand and stood up, I stared at him before leaving.

"You said it too late Chittaphon" I said and left the room.

"How's he?" A worried Yuta asked.

Painful [NCT Ten] 《Finished》Where stories live. Discover now