Rise of the Cybermen

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We were all in the console room, Rose and the Doctor reminiscing about an adventure the two had been on. "And that weird munchkin lady with the big eyes? Do you remember? The way she looked at you! And then she opens her mouth and fire comes out!" The Doctor exclaimed

"I thought I was going to get frazzled!" Rose laughed

"Yeah. One minute she's standing there, and the next minute roar!"

Mickey looked at me and I shrugged "Yeah, where was that, then? What happened?"

It was like a flick of a switch and the two returned back to reality "Oh, it was on this er, this er planet thing." The Doctor rambled "Asteroid. It's a long story, you had to be there." he looked at Mickey "Er, what're you doing that for?"

"Because you told him to," I reminded him

"When was that?"

I frowned and crossed my arms, not pleased "About half an hour ago,"

"Er, you can let go now," he admitted

"Well, how long's it been since I could've stopped?" Mickey argued

"Ten minutes? Twenty? Twenty nine?"

"You just forgot about us!" Mickey shouted

The Doctor looked between me and Mickey "No, no, no. I was just, I was, I was calibrating. I was just. No, I know exactly what I'm doing," an explosion shook the room.

"What's happened?" Rose questioned

"The time vortex is gone. That's impossible. It's just gone. Brace yourself! We're going to crash!" In the next instant I found myself on the ground looking into a set of brown eyes. His gaze softened but I pushed him off of me

"Everyone all right?" I asked "Mickey? Rose?"

"I'm fine. I'm okay." was the response, I looked over at the Doctor and saw him by the console looking at it sadly as if he were mourning it.

"She's dead." he mourned "The TARDIS is dead,"

"You can fix it," Rose implied

"There's nothing to fix."

I went over to him and slapped him "Angela!" Rose shouted

But I wasn't listening as I glared at the Doctor "Don't you ever think like that. Dean he was able. He was able to fix the Impala when it was nothing more than a crushed soda can,"

"There's nothing to fix. She's perished. The last TARDIS in the universe. Extinct," his eyes looking into me sadly and it hit me...I would never be able to see Dean again.

"We can get help, yeah?" Rose inferred

"Where from?"

"Well, we've landed. We've got to be somewhere," she pointed out

"We fell out of the vortex, through the void, into nothingness. We're in some sort of no place. The silent realm. The lost dimension,"

"Otherwise known as London," Mickey claimed and we all turned to see Mickey had opened the door and walked outside "London, England, Earth. Hold on." we followed him as he picked up a discarded newspaper "First of February this year not exactly far flung, is it?"

"So this is London," The Doctor stated keeping me close as I was still shocked


"Your city,"

"That's the one,"

"Just as we left it,"

"Bang on,"

"And that includes the Zeppelins?" The Doctor looked up

"What the hell?" we noticed the massive airships passing overhead.

"That's beautiful," Rose stated

"Okay, so it's London with a big international Zeppelin festival,"

"This is not your world," The Doctor warned

"But if the date's the same, it's parallel, right? Am I right? Like a parallel Earth where we've got Zeppelins. Am I right? I'm right, aren't I?"

I looked to the Doctor and he shrugged "Must be,"

"So, a parallel world where..."

"Oh, come on. You've seen it on films." Mickey stated "Like an alternative to our world where everything's the same but a little bit different, like, I don't know, traffic lights are blue, Tony Blair never got elected..."

"And he's still alive," Rose interrupted and we saw her looking at a infoboard with a man's face on it advertising something called Vitex Lite, cherry flavor, starring Pete Tyler "A parallel world and my dad's still alive,"

"Don't look at it, Rose. Don't even think about it. This is not your world,"

"But he's my dad and..." she touched it causing a short film to begin

"Trust me on this," Pete claimed

"Well, that's weird. But he's real,"

"Trust me on this," he repeated

"He's a success. He was always planning these daft little schemes. Health food, drinks and stuff. Everyone said they were useless. But he did it,"

"Rose, if you've ever trusted me, then listen to me now. Stop looking at it. Your father's dead. He died when you were six months old." My breathing hitched as I remembered that was when mom had died. "That is not your Pete. That is a Pete. For all we know, he's got his own Jackie, his own Rose. His own daughter who is someone else, but not you. You can't see him. Not ever,"

The advertisement kept playing "Trust me on this. Trust me on this. Trust me on this. Trust me on this,"

I looked across the scene of Parallel London and couldn't help but think, if Rose's dad was alive...what would that mean for my family?

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