Part 4: Remus Lupin

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'I can't believe we have a witch in the family!' My mother and father exclaimed. After they recovered from the initial shock and becoming able to form sentences, they seemed rather pleased.

The current date was the 1st of August, exactly a month before my curriculum began at Hogwarts.

I started to get dressed for the day ahead, pulling on a emerald green skater skirt, thin black tights, a plain black silky top and a thin,flowing cardigan of a similar colour to my skirt.
Although I didn't like to accessorise, I deemed it unnecessary, I did own and wear a single ring.The ring itself always intrigued me. I didn't know where it came from and neither did either of my parents yet here it sat in my possession. My brothers and I tried to deduce it but came up with very little.
It had a rather thick band which meant it was for both genders. On the front it had a family crest, one that I was very unfamiliar with and couldn't find despite my research. The ring was clearly very old and worn, I could guess it had been passed down for hundreds of years.
It kept it on a thin silver chain and kept it around my neck.  I tucked it under my top, the cool metal reassuring on my skin.

I brushed out my thick, wavy, black hair, gripping back the front so it didn't distract me whilst reading.

I pulled out my book but, for the first time in a while, found myself unable to concentrate due to anticipation.
Just then, the doorbell rang.

I pulled the door open to reveal a man in his early 30's. He had a pale face with light-brown hair with flecks of grey, stress, I deduced, physical and emotional causing premature ageing. He had several deep scratches across his face and on his hand, presumably more on the rest of his body as well, those scratches are inhuman, too deep to be a dog or anything similar. Yet I continued to deduce the main in front of me. Looking closer you can see that they couldn't have been caused by something opposite him, they are angled wrong and are deeper in the wrong sections. They can only be... Self inflicted. He wore shabby and patched wizard robes. They clearly were one of his only pairs. He was poor then, most likely unable to get a job of an variety. He wasn't unintelligent or incapable, so it must be another reason. The most likely reason is prejudice.

So, a man with many self inflicted, inhuman scars, has a large prejudice against them and has a large amount of emotional and physical stress.
I came to the only possible conclusion.

I looked him in the eye and gave him the most sympathetic look possible, 'I'm sorry' I said, trying to sound as sincere and genuine as possible.

Looking confused he simply asked 'Why?' In a questioning tone, it was obvious he was unused to receiving sympathy about anything.

I took a deep breath and replied 'it really must be awful... Being a werewolf....'

A look of disbelief and shock crossed his face, he had never expected anyone to figure it out, not as quickly at least.
'But how... Did Dumbledore... He couldn't have...'

'No, I deduced it' I said, a smile tugging at my lips. I was in my element. 'I analysed you, from your hair, to your scars to the clothes you wear, it was pretty obvious.'
He looked at me with such shock that he couldn't say anything. I had rendered him speechless.

'So Mr Lupin, let's get going to Diagon Alley'.

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