Chapter 23: Animagus

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Christmas, as usual, wasn't celebrated. Our parents used to try and force the festivities on us but as time went on they eventually gave up.
I sat by in an armchair, one of the books I had borrowed from Hogwarts library propped up against it. Outside of Hogwarts I could only practice wandless magic as all other forms would be detected by the ministry as I was still underage. Before I went to Hogwarts but still had my wand I was okay, they weren't going to arrest an 11 year old who hasn't been taught yet.
Wandless magic being used unintentionally was common, several witches and wizards performed it before the age of 11 however doing it on purpose is highly advanced.
I knew it required strong mental capability and I had that so surely I should be okay.
I was practicing the levitation charm, which I had completely mastered with my wand, for wandless magic. I had laid a few viles in front of me whilst focusing carefully on them.
'Wingardium Leviosa'.
Although shaky one of the viles began to rise from the floor. I steadied my breathing and gently concentrated on the vile allowing its motion to become more controlled.
I small smile graced my lips as the vile softly descended back into the carpet.
'That's rather good' a voice behind me murmured. I spun around to face Sherlock with his usual blank expression.

'It's unusual for you to give out compliments, what's the special occasion?'
'Magic itself is unusual, I thought it warranted acknowledgement.'
I hummed in agreement before turning back to the viles, grabbing them and placing them back into my bag.
Just as I began to read my book I heard a gentle tapping on the window. Sighing and placing the book upon the coffee table next to me I pulled back the curtains to see a familiar owl. I unlatched the window, grabbed the letter from its claws and stroked the feathers atop its head. The owl began to fly away as I pulled open the envelope.
Sitting myself back in the armchair I began to read the letter...


We know you don't celebrate Christmas but we both wanted to get you something anyway.
Check inside your bag, we knew you wouldn't find it with the extended charm you have on it.
Merry Christmas!

Gred and Forge.

I smiled into the letter, the twins sure did know how to make people happy.
I pulled the bag into my lap before concentrating and putting my hand into it.
'Accio Presents'
Several small items that had been neatly wrapped with magic fell onto my lap. I put the bin closer and carefully undid the cellotape. Inside was: a few dungbombs, a box of every flavour beans, a couple of chocolate frogs and a liquorice wand.

My happiness collapsed into my thoughts.
Despite it already being a week into the holidays I still couldn't stop thinking about what my Mother had said. I had known since the Sorting Ceremony I was adopted though the terms were still puzzling.
My Mother was obviously on the run, most likely from Voldemort, given the time it happened. What had happened to her? It was most likely she died otherwise after Voldemort had been killed I would have been contacted. What of my Father, was he dead as well or did he not even know of my existence?

I huffed a sharp sigh of frustration, I hated not knowing the answers.
I pulled my book closer again, desperately trying to distract myself from the lingering questions.
I was currently reading the book about wandless magic I had borrowed from the library hoping a better understanding would help my progress. I was already pretty good at it but I craved more knowledge.

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Before I had taken the time to appreciate it, the holidays were over. I had learned wandless magic to a point of satisfaction, I could perform it with as much capability as my wand.

I sat, once more, staring out the window of the Hogwarts express. The cool glass against my face propped me up as I stared distantly at the rural England scenery.
The thick volume of 'The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2' sat on my lap. I had begun to study for the second year classes despite only being at Hogwarts for a few months. The classes still seemed ridiculously easy as although it was new knowledge it was targeted way below my capability.
I wanted a new project to work on as I had now completed wandless magic. I had thought of a few things I wanted to try since I had arrived but becoming an animagous intrigued me most.
I had not been able to get a book on the subject as it was highly advanced and illegal to those not registered. I did know where to get a book though- the restricted section.
No teachers would allow a student to go in there without reason, especially a first year. I did, however, have an idea.
Disillusionment Charms couldn't be that difficult.
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After the feast I made my way to the Ravenclaw common room as I knew that there was a book containing the charm there.
I pulled the book off the shelf and sat in my usual seat in the corner. A few gave me strange looks when they saw the book I was reading but everyone had come to learn it was smartest to leave me alone.
The spell followed all the usual spell rules though seemed more similar to transfiguration than any other branch of magic. I imagined myself disillusioned whilst moving my wand in a tight arc and reciting- 'Calamitatis'.
My hands slowly disappeared until they couldn't be seen at all. The charm was a little fuzzy at first but with some concentration the charm seemed reliable.
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A few days later I sat back in the same armchair, 'Transfiguration: The Art of Becoming an Animagus' on my lap. I flicked through the pages creating a mental copy of the book to my mind palace. The library would get suspicious if I had the book too long so I wanted to put it back as soon as possible. The charm had worked perfectly, as expected.
I sighed to myself, Magic had become much simple to me as I learned it, each skill seemed to build upon each other so well that I was rapidly evolving, far faster than anyone could have anticipated.
Dumbledore had allowed me to join classes with the Second years. The students seemed wary at first but began to understand that it didn't do them any good to do anything about it.
I closed the book and placed inside the bag that lay next to me.
This was going to fun.

I felt a building sensation inside me that I felt many students could relate to, Hogwarts was my home now.

I'm so sorry about this chapter! Not only do the chapter come out late but I had to write it over several sessions whenever I could find the time unlike usual where I write in one sitting so it probably felt disjointed and didn't progress well. I promise that in the holidays I will make the necessary amendments (exams are the worst).

On to better news, thank you for all the reads, this story is almost at 700 views! I really appreciate it. Vote if you did enjoy and want to see more.

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