Part 6: Gringotts

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'Well first, you need some money. I trust that you have some muggle money with you.'
'Of course'
'Well you can get it exchanged for galleons, knuts and sickles at Gringotts, the wizard bank.'

We walked down the alley, it was quite quaint and old fashioned, with several shops providing the wizarding community. Shops sold everything from books, to potion ingredients, to robes, to sweets, all in many varieties.
Gringotts was a multi-storey marble building at the end of the street, towering over the neighbouring shops. It was clearly heavily guarded and went deep underground.
We stepped through the main doors to be greeted by an equally grand entrance hall. Above the two large, silver doors there was an engraving:

Enter, stranger, but take heed
Of what awaits the sin of greed
For those who take, but do not earn,
Must pay most dearly in their turn.
So if you seek beneath our floors
A treasure that was never yours,
Thief, you have been warned, beware
Of finding more than treasure there.

Through the doors, flanked with goblins, is a vast marble hall with long counters stretching along its length with doors leading off to the vault passageways. Around a hundred goblins sitting at them, counting out money and checking documents.

I could tell the vaults extend for miles under the city by the echoes the floors made and if my ears didn't deceive me I could swear there was something that sounded like a dragon.

We walked up to a desk with a goblin at it where muggle money could be exchanged for wizards currency. I placed a couple of hundred pounds upon the desk, money was hardly short when your brother ran the British Government, which was replaced with piles of Galleons, Sickles and Knuts.
I placed them all inside my bag, pulling out the acceptance letter to Hogwarts.

'So, Remus, whilst we are here we need robes, books, a pet, potions equipment and, of course, a wand.'

I wouldn't want to bore you with the majority of the trip a round Diagon Alley. I purchased everything on the list and a few things extra. I only needed 8 books for the school year but I will have read them all in a few weeks. I ended up purchasing 7 extra, hopefully they will last me until I go to Hogwarts.
The owl I bought was an Ural Owl. She had a pale, grey-brown plumage, with thick, dark-brown streaking on its back. It has a round head with small black eyes, its tail,long and wedge-shaped and with rounded wings. It's flights are direct and purposeful, perfect for mail delivery.

The final shop we had to visit was Olivander's. I needed to purchase my wand.

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