Part 33: Ginny Weasley

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During the rest of the summer I was coming to accept myself- everything about myself. I wasn't happy with who I was but I was no longer fighting it. It was a needed start down the road of recovery.

The rolling countryside hills of England blurred past the train window. Although I loved the busy atmosphere of London the rural landscape was always so calming.

I could barely believe this was my fourth and last year at Hogwarts.
A pleasant smile crossed my face, as dark as these last four years had been mentally, this place had definitely become my home. I had changed so much as a person that I could hardly recognise the arrogant, self-entitled person who walked into Hogwarts those years ago. Of course many people who know me would say I'm still arrogant and self-entitled.

A battered notebook sat in my lap, curls of black ink filled the pages with messy plans. Over the summer I had began making some of my own, more complex spells. I had already designed a few simple ones but some of these could really give me an advantage. This page held plans for a spell that worked like veritaserum.

Just as I began to lose myself in my work, the carriage door opened. A small girl with flaming red hair fumbled into the compartment, clutching a small leather-bound book. I gave her a small smile and signalled she could sit down, she was clearly Ginny Weasley, the younger sister Fred and George had told me about.

Although I wasn't one for small talk it was probably better to be polite to my friends sister,
"Hello, my name is Aysel Holmes, it's a pleasure to meet you. You're Ginny, right? I'm friends with Fred and George."

Surprisingly, this caused her to become guarded. Her shoulders rose and drew inwards and she held her book close to her chest. She clearly had a close relationship with all of her brothers, so why would my greeting cause her to be anxious. I decided it would be better to direct the conversation elsewhere until she was more comfortable.
"You don't need to be nervous, Hogwarts may seem daunting but everyone there is rather friendly. And if anyone is rude to you there are plenty of people around you that'd be willing to hex them."

After about half an hour of light conversation, Ginny was starting to warm up to me. I, however, was not so certain about her. It wasn't her personality, she had the same fiery, energetic and independent attitude as her brothers, even if it was currently below the surface.

No, something about her Every so often she would mention 'her friend', even though the Burrow was in the middle of nowhere and she was homeschooled by Mrs Weasley. When I tried to bring the topic up she got even more anxious and stumbled over her 'explanation', even though she was definitely lying.

I was definitely following this up.

A few months had passed since the beginning of the year. N.E.W.T work wasn't too difficult, especially since I'd done most of the work in the previous year.

Slytherin's room was another matter entirely. Some of the spells in those books made turning into an animagus look easy. If my grandfather was really telling the truth, that he had mastered all the spells in those books, I'm not sure he could be defeated- especially by Harry Potter. He may have beat Voldemort last year, but he wasn't at full strength. He may be brave but his spellwork could hardly compare.

Currently, however, I was sat in the Gryffindor common room, dozens of pieces of scrap parchment lay scattered on the table. I'd decided I wouldn't let myself fall into the same position as last year when I absorbed myself into my research.

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