Chapter 25: Harry Potter

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For the third year in a row I found myself on the same train, in the same carriage, in the same seat.

This time however I wasn't with the 'usual gang', including Fred, George and Lee. I wasn't with the Slytherin's or with other students that needed my help either.
No, this year I ended up in a carriage with a boy wearing baggy clothes, messy black hair and a lightening bolt scar.
The boy was incredibly nervous but was disguising it quite well, clearly he was used to hiding his discomfort. If the unfitting, hand-me-down clothes didn't give it away his overly skinny frame did, he clearly came from an abusive household.

I did have a few questions as to why though. Dumbledore must have known about Harry's situation- he must have put him in it in the first place.
It's not like he didn't have anyone else to turn to either, from what I had heard Mooney would have been happy, albeit it a little reluctant, to take in Prongs' son.

So why leave him with relatives that didn't want anything to do with him?
There must have been some information I was missing. I had to ask Dumbledore about it- I hated not having answers.

There was one thing that I was still looking for answers for, my family.
Despite the extra knowledge from my parents I still hadn't come up with any solid leads or evidence.

Just as I was about to ask Harry some questions another  person entered the carriage, a red headed boy with second hand robes and a smear of dirt down his long nose.
After a single glance at him I clearly knew the boy was related to the Weasley Twins whose presence I had come to enjoy.
A small smirk played at the corner of my mouth as I sat up straight against the seat, I was in my element, and it had been so long since I had deduced someone.
''Hello Weasley. Yes, you can sit down. Yes, I know your brothers, the twins are dear friends of mine.''

Harry and the boys jaw began to gape, their eyes widened and Harry shifted forwards in his seat.

''I'm sorry to bring them up, I know how much you hate being compared to them all the time. It must be hard to never feel good enough to compare to them.''

I shrugged.
''I suppose I know the feeling.''
My brothers often left me feeling a little bit useless, always trying to prove their intelligence was superior.

''Throw away the sandwiches in your pocket, Harry here has enough money and a desire to share it with others- he'll buy you something.''
The boys sat there in stunned silence for several seconds before a smile came onto the Weasley's face,

''How did you do that?''
I smiled, almost genuinely, I loved it when people simply accepted my deductive ability.
''By the power of deduction, I simply observed. Well, and I know your brothers.''

''Ron, Ron Weasley'', he stuck out his hand for me to shake. I politely agreed before secretly cleaning them with a non-verbal, wandless spell.

With this a girl with bushy brown hair entered the compartment. She had a rather bossy voice which seemed rather irritating, in my opinion.
She started asking the boys something about a toad whilst I quickly zoned out, that was until I was prodded sharply by Harry. Hermione, I had heard the girl mention her name, wanted me to introduce myself.

''Aysel Holmes, a pleasure.''
I said, an underlying tone of sarcasm that I managed to keep suppressed enough to satisfy her.
That was, I thought it was satisfaction until the smile on her face grew bigger.

''I know who you are, you're the girl that's in three houses, aren't you? And you've been allowed to skip ahead a few years at Hogwarts.''
A look of surprise flooded Ron and Harry's face, so Hermione continued,
''Neither of those things have ever happened before, they had to re-write 'Hogwarts: A History' to add your name in.''
As much as I appreciated a little attention, this was too much.
''Just Aysel is fine, thank you.''
Amusingly, her eyes flicked quickly to the floor, an embarrassed blush fell upon her face, and she stepped out the carriage.

''She seems like a nightmare,'' Ron huffed deeply ''I hope I'm not in the same house as her.''
He grabbed a Pumpkin Pasty from the bench, took a bite, and continued the conversation.

'What house do you want to be in?' He inquired, though still eating the pasty in his hand.
Harry fell into thought, slinking down into his chair.

''All my brothers are in Gryffindor,'' said Ron dejectedly. ''Mom and Dad were in it, too. I don't know what they'll say if I'm not. I don't suppose Ravenclaw would be too bad, but imagine if they put me in Slytherin.''
''RONALD!'' I exclaimed, furious. The prejudice against Slytherin was despicable.
Ron's eyes widened as he shrunk back into the chair.

''What's wrong with being in Slytherin?'' Harry asked, curiously.
''Nothing.'' I said quickly, before Ron had the chance to answer.
''Many people think that being in Slytherin is a bad thing as the house has homed many evil wizards and witches such as Voldemort.''
Both Harry and Ron seemed shock at the mention of the name, though surprisingly it was only Harry that didn't seem afraid.
I continued, ''But that doesn't make everyone in the house bad. I'm a Slytherin, as well as a Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, and I'm not evil, am I?''
I flashed them a smile but lurking behind was only thoughts of self-doubt.

The two boys left the carriage to get dressed into their robes, leaving me alone with my thoughts, once again.

I had received the results of my OWL's after completing them last year.
I, of course, had received outstanding in all eleven subjects. This coming year I would be joining the sixth year lessons, but that wasn't what was bothering me.

Harry Potter starting at school had to mean trouble, and if the papers are anything to go by it has something to do with whatever was in vault 713.
For someone wanting to hide the presence of something important, Dumbledore wasn't doing a very good job of it. The attempted robbery was all over the papers. Many people may have glossed over it, but to me it seemed obvious the clearly important object had been moved to Hogwarts.
After all, why try to rob Gringotts? And what place would be considered safer?
And I don't think Voldemort missed it either.

The train came to a gentle halt at the station and students boarded the carriages. I waved a goodbye to a frightened looking Harry and Ron before they clambered onto the boats. Lingering at the back of the students, I grabbed the last, empty carriage after stroking the nose of the Thestral that carried it.

It wasn't often I felt so deeply confused, yet the Wizarding World help so many mysteries.
I did, however, know two things for certain.

1. Something big was going to happen this year.

2. It had something to do with Voldemort. 

Hope you enjoyed, please vote if you did. Now that Harry has come into the story the pacing may be considerably better.
I'm hoping to continue to update every Sunday again. Every vote and read only encourages me to do so.
Thanks so much.

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