Chapter 22: Parents

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Although my parents hadn't sent a letter I assumed that I would have to make my own way home from the station.
Much to my surprise however I found a bored Sherlock stood outside the station, his slightly glassed eyes and vacant expression signalled that he seemed to be at the top of his mind palace.
I huffed as I walked over to him, a bored Sherlock was an annoying Sherlock.
Prodding his arm, I pulled him out of his mind palace. I wordlessly deduced him as he did the same to me, scanning our eyes for any details.
The bags under his eyes seemed more ingrained and the dark circles contrasted with his pale face. His skin was pulled tight over his face, his bones almost ripping through the skin. He had clearly been overworking himself again, he hadn't eaten or slept in three days.
So why was he here if he had a case so interesting?
I was pulled out of my thoughts by a displeased Sherlock,

'Stop trying to deduce me, it's frankly embarrassing. Honestly, you're 11, surely you must have got more than that?' He seemed to snarl.

'What have you got about me then?' I questioned, walking towards the steps out of the station.

'You are waiting for something in nervous anticipation, there are clear signs. The wool of your jumper has become slightly undone, something you only do when you are nervous and you are blinking more often. You were also very quick to leave, you can't wait to get home. So what are you waiting for? I assume it's not the excitement of seeing your family again?' I scoffed.
'You also got mad on the train, your face is slightly red and everyone seemed to be avoiding you when you got off the train, honestly you need to control your emotions sometimes.
I huffed childishly and quickened my pace, Sherlock's long strides easily keeping up with my short legs.
'So why are you here?' I questioned, 'you have an interesting case and I am perfectly capable of getting home from the station easily, so why?'
He seemed slightly reluctant but truthfully answered
'Mother insisted that I pick you up as she had rather important news.'
'There was something you couldn't deduce, how unlike you' I said nonchalantly, knowing it would only make him angrier.
He simply raised his hand towards the traffic and called out a cab. A car swerved around in front of him immediately and he swung open the door.
I climbed in after and closed the door, absentmindedly staring out the window watching the afternoon traffic whizz past.
I gently tapped the sole of my boot on the floor whilst letting my thoughts linger on the evening ahead. My parents, or not, would tell me the truth this evening, I was certain.
Time passed without much of my notice and soon the car came to a halt. Sherlock handed the driver a note before heading to the door.
I walked behind him, taking in the sentimental comfort of being at home before pulling myself out of my thoughts and stepping through the door.
Mother and Father sat on the sofa and much to my surprise Mycroft sat opposite them staring distantly into the flames in the fireplace.

'Oh good, you've arrived' Mother said, a fake, almost scared smile on her face. It did not go unnoticed by the Homes brothers.
I was getting a little impatient, I had been waiting months for an answer and all I got was small talk.

'Mother, as rude as I may sound, I would appreciate some answers. You have been avoiding my question for months now, making me wait. I at least have the basic idea of what you are going to tell me so just get on with it' I insisted, the words coming out harsh and bitter.
Everyone looked towards me with mild shock and some amusement from Mycroft and Sherlock.

Father stepped forwards, his hand rubbing comfortingly on his wife's hand. He took a breath before stating-

'Aysel, you are adopted'

Sherlock and Mycroft failed to hide their shock for a second before letting their composure settle. They seemed to, as I had expected, ruled out the possibility that I was adopted before. I had after all had the Homes intelligence.
I also looked a lot like my family. I had hair similar to that of Sherlock, thick, black and wavy. My eyes were also a similar colour, a forest green with dark green rims.

So how was I adopted?
It appears that that I was simply adopted from other family.
My brothers had to reached the same conclusion.

My mother began after a few seconds of silence.

'Your mother was my half sister. I never really knew her until the day she turned up on my doorstep, desperate for help. You see, both of my parents were wizards, and I happened to be a squib. They were both disappointed to the point of disgust, it eventually broke them apart and led my mother to your Grandfather. You see, they were both pureblood supremacists. I was disowned before I knew them at all, simply dropped at an orphanage and forgotten about. The only reason I know this is because of your mother.'

It was my turn to be shocked, I was a pureblood wizard, just as many had predicted despite their previous knowledge.

'I'm sorry I can't tell you anymore, that's all your mother said before she left. There is one thing however, that ring you have, it was the only thing she left with you. I have no idea what it means but maybe you'll be able to find out.'

I pulled the necklace holding the ring from under my shirt and began to observe it. Although I had completely memorised each etch on its surface it felt strange looking upon it in a new light.
I was interrupted by my mother, her voice began, anxious and stuttering,
'I know... I know we're not...'
I forced a large smile on to my face,
'Mother, Father it's fine. I still wish to treat you as my parents if you still allow it.'
They looked in the verge of tears, their eyes glassy and clouded.
'Of course dear, just remember we still love you.'

I sorry this is a week late. The schedule of is going to be a bit of a mess at the moment as my first exam is in 16 days. I will continue to reveal her heritage as the story continues but I hope you are enjoying it so far.
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