Chapter 21: Christmas

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All of the classes went similar to that of Transfiguration and Charms. The teachers seemed to find me rather exhausting but kept with it as they awed at my progress.

Hogwarts Library had become my best friend, thick, ancient volumes filled the shelves on many different topics. I found myself attracted to the darker books but I knew most of the darkest ones were inside the restricted section, I couldn't wait until I was able to read the books inside at my leisure.

The days seemed to pass quickly and the castle was covered in a light frost before I had the time to appreciate autumn. The holiday season was approaching and students were filled with buzz and excitement for Christmas.

My parents had yet to reply to the letter I had sent on the first day of school. I knew they would probably tell me when I went home but each day the letter didn't come I knew the outcome would be worse in the end.

I had been progressing faster than any of the teachers had been expecting and was just reviewing the last of the potions material from first year.
Warm flames flickered from the large fireplace, eyes transfixed on the time worn pages. It was only when I went to turn the page I noticed someone approaching.

I noticed the boy I had deduced on my first day at Hogwarts, I learned that his name was Draco Malfoy from around school but hadn't actually spoken to him since. It was probably because he was avoiding me.
His nervousness was apparent as he fiddled absentmindedly with the corner of his jumper.
He stepped a little closer, bracing himself with empty determination.

'It's not true, what you said, I'm not a coward.'

'Keep telling yourself that, your response tells me different. You're not so stupid to believe that and neither am I so you may as well drop the facade.' I said dismissively, still not letting my eyes drift from the pages of my book for too long.
My focus drifted from the conversation before I felt the book to be tugged down.
I sighed.
'Look, okay I said some horrible things and...'
I braced myself
'..I apologise, okay?'
Although he was still guarded his shoulders relaxed and he let out the breath he was holding.

He hesitated, he was clearly wondering whether to say something but didn't know how severe my reaction would be.
'You know you act like a pureblood,' he finally spoke 'you are elitist and think you are better than everyone else. Honestly, if I didn't know you were raised by muggles, I wouldn't be surprised.'

'You can blame that on my brothers, they often come of as egotistical and arrogant but they mean well.'
He took a second to comprehend the information I had presented.
'Do you mean well?'

'I suppose I do, I just don't exactly deal well with people and am more logical than emotional. Some may call it a weakness but I've always been taught 'caring is not an advantage' and 'love is a chemical defeat found on the losing side', perhaps I took those lessons to heart- ironically.'
He looked a little shocked to say the least.

'I suppose we are all selfish and narcissistic at times, thinking our own problems and reasons far outweigh others when we just need to understand everyone is fundamentally the same.' I said before looking back at my book.
'Goodbye, Malfoy'
I was left with the sound of retreating footsteps.


The Christmas period had finally come and tomorrow the train went for the holidays. I, like most people, had decided to spend Christmas at home. My reasoning for staying at home was different at most, I was still desperate to find the answers to my heritage.
I had spent ages in the library trying to find anything but due to that lack of information I had originally I came up with nothing.

I lazily flicked my wand towards my belongings and miscellaneous items tumbled into my trunk before latching itself closed. With another flick the truck shrunk small enough that it could fit inside my pocket.
My breaths quickened with anticipation as I grabbed the trunk and shoved it in my pocket, skipping down the winding steps.
Although I spent a fair amount of time in each common room I had decided to sleep mostly in the Ravenclaw dormitories. I often found nights filled with endless amounts of books so Ravenclaw made the most sense.

The train was the same as when I first boarded it, a deep red shiny paint coating the surface of the steam engine.
Following the loudest noise down the train I found the carriage which contained Fred, George and Lee. The three were bragging about there latest prank that left several of the Slytherins in neon pink robes.

'Why prank just the Slytherins? I don't understand why you can't prank everyone equally?' I huffed. I hated it when people hated on others just because of their house. It always had more negative repercussions than was noticed.

'The Slytherins had it coming' they said dismissively, eating from the bag of every flavour jellybeans that was being passed around.
'Did they, did I? I fumed, angry at their impassive response.
'They all looked up to see my eyes flickering with pure rage. I didn't get emotional very often but when I did it was always a release and I reveled in the satisfaction.

They all flinched away from me, they knew that if I wanted to hurt them I had all of the skills necessary to do so.
'Well we just...forgot. We didn't mean it like that'
I stormed out of the carriage.
I knew I was being childish but I couldn't stand their judgement.
I was going to head to my Ravenclaw friends but I knew they would just ask questions, it was in their nature, so I headed to the Slytherins.
As the door swung open looks of shock filled the cabin, it was not often people had seen me emotional, especially the Slytherins.
I plunked myself down on the seat closest to the door. I death stared everyone before pulling out my book from my pocket and lost myself in the pages.

Thanks for reading and please vote if you enjoyed. The story now had 400+ reads.
A/N- Firstly, I just realized that Draco Malfoy isn't in Hogwarts when the Twins and Aysel are in there first year. I have therefore decided to move him into that year. This is the last chapter he will play a big part in so it doesn't really matter.
        Secondly, I am taking my GCSE's soon, my first exam is in less than a month. I will try and continue to update regularly on schedule but I'm sorry if I'm a few days late.

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