Part 8: Marauders

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After I paid Olivander I made my way to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. Outside sat Remus at one of the small tables. I went up to the counter; ordered a liquorice ice cream and sat at the table.
We sat at the table in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before I asked,
'So what was your time at Hogwarts like? You were a Gryffindor, right?
He winced slightly, I hit a touchy subject, I thought. He was beginning to get used to my deductions though.
He sat for a moment, considering what to say about it and how much information to withhold.

'I had three close friends' he began 'we called ourselves the Marauders. We did everything together: sat together, ate together, pranked together. But then the Wizarding War came and....'
He just stopped and stared into space, unable to put his thoughts into words. He took a large breath before saying-
'Two of them are dead now, Prongs and Wormtail. The other is... locked up in Askaban, for their murder.'

'So tell me what they were like in school? It must have been nice to have such close friends.'

'They were the best friends anyone could ask for, we became friends in the first year and found out about my.... condition in the second year. They all became unregistered Animagi to help me during my monthly transformations. Prongs, James Potter, was a stag; Padfoot, Sirius Black, was a black dog; Wormtail, Peter Pettigrew was a rat and I'm Moony, for obvious reasons.'
He sat before continuing, simply eating. It was clear it was difficult to say this and hadn't spoken about them for a long time.

'On a more lighthearted note however, we were the best pranksters in the school. One of our best inventions was the Marauders Map. In our fifth year we created the map of all the knowledge we had gathered in our time at Hogwarts. It was created using magical parchment that displays the grounds of Hogwarts and all of the secret passageways with a simple incantation- "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good".'
The words were flowing out of his mouth so easily, happily relieving past memories, even if it did bring up some repressed memories about his friends.

'So, what about you? Tell me about your life, I know virtually nothing about you' he questioned.

'Well, I have two brothers, they are just about two of the smartest people you will ever meet.'

'Even smarter than you?'

'I'm the just about. I am also far ahead of my education, by about 7 years, I was attending University this year to study Chemistry. I want the discover everything about the world that I don't understand and know. That's why I decided to drop it all and learn magic, there is so many things I don't understand about it yet.'

'You really are quite the fascinating person'

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