Part 10: Fred and George

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The two twins stood in the doorway as I began to deduct them. They didn't seem to be particularly interesting, the were both poor, evident from the shabby second hand clothing. They had multiple siblings, were extroverts and enjoyed pranks and jokes.
I sighed before inviting them inside the carriage.

'My name is Aysel Holmes, it's a pleasure to meet you both.' Manners and good etiquette was drilled into me from a young age from both my parents and my brothers, appearance is everything.
The twins took there seats and proceeded to talk about the pranks they were going to pull off during the year. They didn't ignore me but clearly thought I wasn't capable of planking to their level, man were they wrong.

Mooney had taught me a thing or two.

'I understand that you may want to prank all of the Slytherins and dying their hair the colours of Gryffindor would be funny however that is for beginners, don't you claim to be experts?'
The twins looked at me with an expression of confusion, it was clear they had never been doubted on their ability to prank before.

'Of your so good at pranking then what would you do?' They replied, voices laced with sarcasm.

'First of all you can't be so obvious, pranking on Slytherin, it has got to be a Gryffindor. Make sure you prank every house. You have got to work secretly , if you immediately start pranks where it is obviously you then everyone will suspect you more. When people know you as pranksters then they will keep a closer watch on you and less options for planning will be available. Dye about 50% of people on each table: red and gold for Slytherin; yellow and black for Ravenclaw; blue and silver for Hufflepuff and green and silver for Gryffindor'

The twins stared at me in amazement, clearly they had never thought very in depth about their plans before. The two exchanged glances, huge smiles across their faces.

'Looks like we've found the brains of the operation'

Over the next couple of hours the twins and I got along quite well. They weren't exactly intelligent in the common sense but their minds were clearly tailored to pranking. We came up with several pranks, them coming up with the ideas and me refining them.
I was going to do the Marauders proud.
Just before we arrived at Hogwarts we all got changed into our robes, the Weasley's had such tattered robes that the extent of their wealth, or lack of it, was clear.
The train came to a holt signifying that we'd arrived.

I dragged my case behind me as I left the train, it was lighter than most as I had used a charm to lessen the weight, it wasn't perfect so it still weighed a but but it certainly made it a lot easier.
On the platform we were met with a man rather large in size, standing at about 11'6; I wouldn't be surprised if the man was at least partially a giant. He had a long mane of shaggy black hair and a beard that covered most of his face. He had light skin and dark eyes that glinted like black beetles. He wore an exceptionally large moleskin overcoat which was clearly hand-made as it was crafted from animal skin and was far too large to sell in conventional stores.The marks on his hands and the smell of animal blood told me that he worked with animals and was most presumably the groundskeeper.

'Welcome to Hogwarts'

Miss Holmes, A Harry Potter Fan fictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora