Part 14: Letters

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Much like my dearest brother Sherlock I too struggled getting much sleep.
My fellow Gryffindor dorm mates were fast asleep at 5am, a full hour and a half before breakfast started.
Usually under these circumstances I would find a book to occupy myself however the questions of yesterday's sorting left me too distracted.

Leaving the dormitories, I softly closed the door behind me. The winding stone stairs leading to the spacious common room.
I hadn't noticed it upon my arrival but the room faintly smelt of cinnamon, a warm, comforting smell like your mothers baking in the kitchen.
The room itself was overwhelmingly sporting the Gryffindor colours, every surface covered in red and gold. Several sofas lay around the room, the majority of them surrounding a large fireplace.

On one surface lay a stack of parchment left for students to use, most likely if they ran out. I sat on the armchair next to it, unfolding a foot of it. I found a quill that was discarded on one of the tables and assumed it's owner wouldn't mind if I borrowed it.
The sorting left lingering questions and all I needed to do was to ask to get answers.
To get the best possible outcome I needed to write two letters, one enjoyable, the other less so.

I began the more pleasant first....

Dear Mooney,

I hope you don't mind that I am writing to you, coming from a muggle background means that I don't have anyone magical to talk to about my current situation.

Something strange happened at the sorting ceremony, I was placed in to more than one house, three of them actually. The hat couldn't decide if I should be in Gryffindor, Slytherin or Ravenclaw so it decided to put me in all of them.

I know this has never happened before but none of the teachers seem to be giving me any indication why. I was looking for your opinion on the issue, do you have any theories as to why the hat didn't just choose?

I did however make some good friends in the Weasley twins. They have crowned themselves the 'Pranking Kings', man do they have another thing coming. I can't wait to pull off my first prank, I will make the Marauders proud.

I hope you are doing well yourself, I know you just had to deal with your 'little furry problem'.

All the best,

Aysel Holmes

One letter down, that one was however okay. Mooney proved to be enjoyable company and is one of the few people I know from the magical community.

The next letter I have to write it far less so- the letter to my Mother and Father.
The hat had certainly raised a few questions and I needed them answering.

To my Dearest Mother and Father,

Hogwarts has been rather enjoyable so far, we had a start of term feast and we were sorted in to our houses.

However that isn't the main reason I am writing to you. I understand the topic of this letter isn't meant for this format but it will be months till I next see you and I was never good at being patient.

For reasons that are difficult to explain it has come to my attention that I may be adopted, or at least you are not my mother and father but are related to me under other conditions.
Based on my source it appears that I am not muggleborn as previously assumed but of magical heritage.
Under those circumstances you could still be my parents but just decide not to use magic but I do believe I would have noticed.

If this is the case I would like to know who my real parents are of possible and there current whereabouts if either of them are still alive.

Please reply as soon as possible with the most honest truth, you know that I can deal with it no matter what.

I do hope you are both well.

From your loving Daughter,

Aysel Holmes

I folded the two letters carefully writing the names of the recipients on top. I figured I could send them from the owlery before first lesson began.
The time was 7:00 so I figured that the others would be waking up soon.
After all, today was the first day of lessons.

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