Part 19: Ravenclaw

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'Dumbledore let you do WHAT?!?' The twins exclaimed rather loudly at the Gryffindor table. As I made my way from his office, lunch was just beginning so I made my way to the Gryffindors to tell Fred and George the news.

'What you did in transfiguration was incredible though, did you see the look on Mcgonagall's face', Fred added, earning a few sniggers from surrounding classmates.

I was about to head back up to the common room before I saw my owl swoop down from one of the windows. In its claws was single letter which fell into the table. I noticed the handwriting and observed that it must be my reply from Remus, it couldn't have been anyone else.
I took the letter before stroking its feathers and sending her back to the owlery. I took my leave before my classmates noticed and went to find some quiet.
I knew the Gryffindor common room would probably be too loud, no matter what time of day there seemed to be a ruckus so I made my way to the Ravenclaw common room.

I knew the entrance to the common room was located on the west side of Hogwarts at the top of a spiral staircase, located on the fifth floor. I had heard from the other Ravenclaws that the door was in the shape of an eagle that asked a riddle in order to allows the student to enter the room. I wasn't exactly scared of getting it wrong, they were hardly difficult.
The corridor around Ravenclaw Tower seemed rather empty and little noise seemed to be coming from the common room- a promising sign. As I approached the knocker it began to speak:

'What begins with T, ends with T and has T in it?'

'I suppose the answer you are looking for is teapot as it is the riddle-esque answer however due to the ambiguous nature of the question tantamount, testament, tautologist and treatment would all be viable answers.'
'A true Ravenclaw' the door said before swinging open to reveal the common room.

High arched windows were set into the walls of the circular room providing the perfect natural lighting throughout the day. Long bookshelves coated every wall with books of all variety crammed upon their shelves.

Several window seats overlooked the school grounds; the Ravenclaw tower had, undeniably, the best view from the school overlooking the lake, forbidden forest, Quidditch pitch and Herbology gardens. Thick woollen blankets lay among most surfaces in multiple shades of blue and long forgotten mugs sat on countertops.

The passions of the residents were clear from the moment you stepped in. Easels were propped up in the corner surrounded by discarded brushes and an assortment of carefully mixed acrylic paints. A large telescope was in the front of the largest window, displayed at the perfect angle to see the widest variety of stars. Sheet music lay scattered in stacks with scribbled notes in cursive adorning the page.

The word 'home' instantly came to mind.
I chose an armchair in the corner, one that would allow me to see the entirety of the room. I pulled Mooney's letter from the pocket in my robes and looked at the letter. I had a habit of deducing items I had received from another.
The letter was tightly sealed, that's a good sign; letters that aren't sealed properly are often due to the sealer unconsciously retaining saliva because of their distaste towards the recipient. The address name was written in a neat cursive, the letter wasn't rushed when written but it had arrived quite quickly, taking in to account the method of transportation. So the writer must not have very much to do, clearly Remus still hadn't gotten a job.

I unsealed the envelope carefully, ensuring that it didn't rip. The letter too was in the same neat cursive:

Aysel Holmes,

I had no problem with you writing to me, please continue to do so if you wish.
As for the topic of your letter, I hate to admit I have no ideas; as you previously stated there has been nobody before you sorted into multiple houses.
I assume that there must be a considerable reason for the hat to do this though, you've probably come across the term 'hat-stall' before yet a house was always chosen.
Don't worry about me however, you have a lot to deal with at the moment yourself.

I folded up the note and tucked it back into my pocket. My initial thought was to complain, what was the point of him writing to me if he didn't have anything to add? However I quickly tried to dismiss it, I often hated how much of my brothers personality had influenced mine.

I left the common room whilst quickly observing the grandfather clock in the corner of the room- 5 minutes until the end of lunch.
As my timetable stated I had Charms with the Gryffindors and Slytherins. My schedule was to remain mostly the same however Dumbledore had given me a copy of all of the second and third year books to cover.
When I had completed the lesson plan I was allowed to read through those books and learn those spells, with the guidance of the teacher.

The Charms classroom was on the third floor of Hogwarts. It too, like most of the other classrooms, had high ceilings and large windows. There were three rows of desks, all facing the teacher's table, behind which sat a large upholstered chair with a high back.
I entered the classroom a couple of minutes before the lesson began, choosing a seat in the back right corner. Propping my feet against the chair next to me, I flicked through the second year Charms book- The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2.

'We're only in first year you know' a snide voice said as it entered the room.
I huffed and placed the book upon the counter.

'I know.'

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I am hoping to make all of the chapters this long as the story feels like it is moving too slowly at the moment. So instead of chapters that are 500-600 words I will try and make them 1000+ words.
Vote if you enjoyed the chapter.

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