Part 20: Charms

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I swung my legs down and faced the person who had just spoke. A first year boy stood in the doorway with blond hair and a pale, pointed sneering face. The boy looked too confident about himself so I decided to deduce him, just as I had seen Sherlock do with particularly rude guests.

'I am only a first year but I am able to know information far above my age range, just the same way as I know that you come from a rich family, pure blood and proud, one would assume from the robes you are wearing. Most pure bloods who believe in blood purity, generally, are in Slytherin, also' I said, glancing at his green and silver tie.

A smirk was still on his face, I was clearly going in the right direction.

'However with that is confidence and therefore arrogance, you refuse to consider other opinions and therefore have a very closed view of life. You don't question blood purity, not anymore.'

The smirk was slipping and his confidence wavering yet I still continued.

'I sense something deeper though, you don't doubt your beliefs which have been taught by your parents, but children are naturally curious, they question everything.You are obviously an only child, the way you hold yourself shows you are not used to compromising. You therefore had nobody to consult about your doubts.'

I stepped closer and he flinched away.

'From the way you reacted then would indicate to me what I was assuming, you live in an abusive household. Was it your father? I would say uncle or other more distant relative but pure blood families are expected to raise their children 'properly' aren't they?'

He looked on the verge of tears.

'And your confidence is an illusion as well, you are expected to keep up appearances at all times, if you don't it's probably another round of crucio, am I right? How did I know? The 'bodyguards' you have outside are enough to indicate that you only feel safe to insult others with someone to back you up.' I was now glancing at the two rather large looking boys stood outside the door.

His lip was quivering and his eyes were glassy with tears. His voice crackled as he tried to retort-
'My father will hear about this!'

'He'll hear about what- that his son his a coward? That he only believes what he does because he is afraid? That he bullies those smaller than himself to get back at the world? Will your father hear about that?'
He desperately wiped the tears from this cheeks and left the room running so nobody could see him in his moment of weakness.

A self satisfied smile made its way on to my face before I even questioned my actions. I understood why Sherlock did it, although I knew what I did was mean it felt like an emotional release. He branded himself as a sociopath so his cruel deductions were the only way to keep himself sane. But the boy was only 11 and after all, he had enough suffering to deal with at home.

And with that lingering thought the bell went, signalling the beginning of class, several students began to shuffle into the room and take places at the desks . Usually I would deduce some information about each of them the last encounter had left me drained.
The Charms Professor, Flitwick, a small man who had to stand on a pile of books to see over his desk. From what I read I would guess he was of goblin descent. He had a shock of white hair that looked to be brown when he was younger. He had custom-made green robes with a pale brown suit underneath.

His presence was not as commanding and stern as Mcgonagall's and the class seemed to notice, the atmosphere becoming lighter and whispers echoed through the large room.
I pulled my first year charms book out of my bag and flicked to the first page, scanning across the page. Levitation charms didn't appear to be that difficult. Whilst the professor was just beginning his lecture I pulled my wand from my pocket.
I needed something to levitate that would get everyone's attention, I could levitate something simple but it didn't have the dramatic flair I desired. I suppose my Gryffindor side was coming out. I could always levitate a student but that would be dangerous, I knew that it was bad to perform spells on people that weren't intended for that purpose.
I flicked my eyes back to Flitwick so he thought I was paying attention when something caught my attention. I inwardly smirked, mischief flashing in my eyes. The twins caught my gaze from across the room, knowing that I was going to cause trouble.
I discretely pointed my wand at the books under Flitwick's feet and with a swish and flick muttered the spell.

'Wingardium Leviosa'

A confused Flitwick flew into the air atop a pile of books causing a roar of laughter to surround the room. I traced my wand through the air with the professor following it. The students found the act highly amusing, finally noticing who had cast the spell.
As the chaos died down I released the charm, leaving everything in its original position.
The Charms teacher smoothed down his robes, despite there being no change in them, in order to calm himself down. He walked up to my desk, he seemed rather angry but still marginally amused, a look of familiarity and reluctant acceptance.

'So you must be Miss Holmes, I've been hearing a lot about you from several teachers. That was an excellent levitation spell, perfect control, though your method was rather unnecessary.'

'Thank you professor, may I speak after class, I'm sure you know about my arrangement?'
This seemed to spark the interest of several people around the room, apparently word hadn't gotten around to everyone yet.
'Of course' he said, before turning to the rest of the class, 'now we have had a demonstration of the spell I would like you to read through pages 11 and 12 of your books.'

The rest of the class began to read the set pages whilst I flicked through the book again. The first year spells weren't that complicated at all. By the end of the lesson I had already mastered many of them such as the locking spell and the unlocking charm.
Eventually the bell was signalled for the end of the lesson and everyone left the class. I tucked my book back into my bag.
A still astounded Flitwick stood by his desk, he had spent most of the lesson noting my progress which resulted in several facial expressions with different degrees of shock.

'Miss Holmes, if you continue to make progress as quick as you did today I dare say that by Christmas you would have completed the entirety of first year spells. That would leave the second and third year work until the end of this year and fourth and fifth year work by the end of next year.'

I simply smiled and nodded before leaving the room and heading back to the hall.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I decided that I wanted to add more deductions in so what better than Malfoy? Please vote if you enjoyed.

A/N- I just realized Draco wouldn't be present in this part of the story so for this so will make him in the same year as the twins and Aysel. It doesn't impact the story that much as I don't want to make him that much of a present character. I hope you all don't mind.

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