Chapter 30: Slytherin's Room

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The news of Harry's run in with Voldemort had spread over the the school in hours. Dumbledore hadn't commented on the incident directly yet the rumours being spread were surprisingly accurate and that twinkle never left his eyes.
Luckily for everyone involved my involvement was completely unknown. If anyone found out my reputation would be damaged and I would not let that slide.

The source of the rumours was still unconscious in the hospital wing, though it was very likely he would wake up soon. Great anticipation flooded though the school- waiting for him to finally wake.
I was less anxious.

I tried to feel certain that Harry didn't see me there but for once I was letting my guard down and my irrational thoughts were getting the better of me.

It wasn't affecting my magical performance but the ability to have confidence in my own decisions was fading and consequently, despite my incredibly desperate temptation I had refrained from entering the room Voldemort spoke of. However school was finishing soon and I would have to find out what was in there before that happened.

I sat caressing the rough pages of my latest find from the Room of Requirement, a 300 year old book outlining some of the most dangerous extinct herbs found in remote locations. The current page described a particularly vicious vine found in Peru that disguised itself as normal vines and strangled anyone who got too close.
Yet the pages seemed dull. The practical use of these plants was limited, even if they can kill people- the killing curse exists.

The common room portrait came swinging open and a grumpy Draco Malfoy came marching into the room muttering "...Potter...Hospital wing...awake.."
A few Slytherins sniggered at him. Many found his fascination with 'precious Potter' highly entertaining.

Not being able to resist myself I closed the book and stuffed it into the bag hastily. I flicked my wand and it disappeared up to the dormitories as I left the common room and headed up to meet Harry.

"Aysel!" A flustered Hermione exclaimed as I walked up to the hospital bed.
The bed was covered with gifts, mostly sweets, strewn around the boy in the middle- his black hair was even messier than usual and his circular glasses were slightly wonky.
He smiled in my direction, though a hesitation behind it made me falter slightly- had he seen me?
"Go ahead then," he began. "Tell me, 'I told you so'."

I gave him a polite smile back, "I wouldn't do that. I gave you a warning about Quirrell- it was on your head and I heard you dealt with the situation brilliantly."

Harry began to speak and then stopped. This resulted in Hermione shooting up from her seat, grabbing Ron by the arm (who was too busy eating a chocolate frog to be bothered about the conversation) and left swiftly muttering apologetically about something 'important' that they both had to do.
It was rather unconvincing but neither me nor Harry commented on it.

He began once again,
"So you weren't there then, when Voldemort tried to get the stone?"

I had been debating over the past few days if I should be honest with him. I had decided on a half truth- enough to satisfy, but not enough for him to doubt my loyalties -as Dumbledore had began to.
"I was, I had arrived there just before Quirrell had. Though unlike you, I couldn't get the stone. I was talking to Quirrell for only a few minutes before you arrived- I thought it best not to interfere."

Harry looked slightly puzzled at this news. He knew is that at least he hadn't been imagining my presence but had more information to think about- that boy was too curious for his own good sometimes.
I gave him a calming smile whilst I examined him more thoroughly.

His startlingly green eyes cast a sharp contrast onto the grey bags that lingered under his eyes. Although they were a common feature on his skinny face, they seemed more prominent than ever. At this rate he was going to look more aged than Remus.

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