Part 16: Lessons

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As I walked into the great hall I noticed it was mostly full, only few students hadn't begun eating yet. I decided that I needed to incorporate myself into more than just Gryffindor. I walked up to the Ravenclaw table and sat down, much to the horror of the twins.
The conversation, as you may expect, was mainly intellectual. The chatter ranged from lessons, to favourite subjects, to the answer to this mornings riddle.
I decided to put aside my pride for a second and ask my fellow Ravenclaws a question-

'So how does Quidditch work? Is there a charm on the brooms or..?'

A boy, who looked to be in his third year, spoke up, his face glowing as Quidditch was something he was obviously passionate about.
'Actually, the way the brooms work has dramatically changed over time. In about 92ad the first bewitched broomsticks were created but were uncomfortable and could only move up, down and stop at a singular speed. As people experimented they became more advanced and talented broom-makers began to trade them. Many brooms today are still bewitched but in Nepal they are making brooms with gravity resistant trees and in other areas they plant trees in potions that make them levitate- though they sound similar there is a distinction between the two.'

The boy was out of breath as he was talking rather quickly but a beaming smile sat on his face. One thing I had noticed about the Ravenclaws was that although they weren't all highly intelligent they all seemed passionate about something.
As it was the first day the timetables were being handed out. I didn't know where I would get mine as they wouldn't know what house I was in. However Professor Flitwick handed me my timetable with the others.

'Here's your timetable Miss Holmes. Dumbledore seemed to know you would sit at the Ravenclaw table today' he said as he continued towards the other students.

Damn that Wizard.

On today's date the timetable read:

9:00-10:30: Transfiguration with Gryffindor and Ravenclaw
10:45-11:45: DADA with Slytherin and Ravenclaw
1:30-2:30: Charms with Gryffindor and Slytherin
2:30-3:30: History of Magic with Ravenclaw and Slytherin

As I finished off a small bowl of blueberry porridge I decided to walk to the transfiguration classroom, Mcgonagall probably wouldn't be pleased if I was late for my first lesson.
The room had a particularly high ceiling like many rooms at Hogwarts. The walls were made of white stone and the desks all faced a raised platform for the professor to stand on. There were several bookcases, blackboards and magical diagrams made for and by the students. There was a small room going of the side of the room which I assumed was for practising spells.

A small cat sat at a desk on the platform which I assumed was Mcgonagall from the intelligent look in its eye. As the last few pupils made there way to their desks she kept of the desk and transfigured back to her human form. Students marvelled at the spectacle but as I was expecting it I didn't act as surprised .
She took advantage of the silence by beginning to lecture everyone in the room-

"Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts. Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned."

She transformed her desk into a pig and then back again, once again peaking the students excitement. I however realised that level of magic was not going to be taught until about the sixth year.
After everyone else had eventually figured out the same we had to copy some extensive notes off the board.
I had mastered the art of copying notes down effectively and efficiently over the course of my life and finished way before everyone else.

Mcgonagall attempting to hide the slight look of surprise on her face placed a match on my desk.

''The spell is Compositus Verto'' she said to me, but loud enough to inform the rest of the class.

I took out my wand and took a deep breath. I gave my wand a gentle flick and said 'Compositus Verto'.

And there on my desk sat a thin, shiny needle.

Thanks for reading :) The Quidditch but was a little off topic but I'd just read ' Quidditch through the ages'. Vote if you enjoyed.

Miss Holmes, A Harry Potter Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now