Part 5: Diagon Alley

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'So how do we get to this allusive Diagon Alley then, Mr Lupin' I said in rather a cheery tone. There wasn't many days in my life where I saw something I hadn't before.
'It is in the centre of London' he started, earning a strange look from me. How could it be in the centre of London without me knowing? I knew London like the back of my hand. 'Magic technology' he said nonchalantly.
Of course I thought, why wouldn't it be. It was hard to change your entire way of thinking, anything seemed possible now.

'Ever heard of a pub called 'The Leaky Cauldron'?

''I do recall it, a grubby little place, I have never needed to enter there before though. So the entrance is from there?'

'Yes, though we won't be using ordinary transport' he said as he stepped towards the fireplace, pulling out a small drawstring bag and taking a small amount of powder.
'This transport is called the floo network' he spoke stepping backwards into the large arching fireplace. He dropped the powder into the fireplace whilst clearly pronouncing 'The Leaky Cauldron'.
Thick flames engulfed him and he disappeared. I was quite adept at keeping a fairly constant neutral face but shock washed over my features and I took a step back, marvelling at what I had just saw.

Magic was spectacular.

I grabbed a small handful of the floo powder from the small bag and stepped into the fireplace as Lupin had done.
'The Leaky Cauldron'
Green flames twisted around my body, but they weren't hot. A weird, indescribable sensation pulled at my limbs, but only for a moment, until I fell from a different fireplace in a small pub.
'Well, that was fun' I said, dusting the dirt from the fireplace off my clothing.
I took a second to observe my surroundings. The pub didn't seem unusual at first glance, a little bit dark and stuffy but most pubs in London were. The people however were quite fascinating, many wore thick cloaks over wizards robes of a variety of colours.
I couldn't help but be overcome by a sense of childish wonder, a huge grin spread across my face.
'So, Mr Lupin, let's get to Diagon Alley' I said, joining him as he walked towards the back of the room.
'Please, call me Remus' he replied, walking up to what appeared to be a simple wall.
He took his wand out, tapping the bricks in a specific pattern.
Then, almost like magic, the wall folded in on itself. The bricks created an archway down into an alleyway, that practically radiated magic.

The street was lined with shops of all designs. Everything magical could be bought down here, no matter how strange or impossible it may seem.
Colour covered almost every surface, people of all ages encapsulated by the wonder it had to offer.

Even Remus, who must have been on multiple occasions, acted like it was his first, taking in the sights, smells and sounds coming from the street.
I turned to him, a huge grin on my face and said,

'So where to first them'.

Miss Holmes, A Harry Potter Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now