Can it be fixed?

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   If you have not read the first story, I highly recommend it, or you will be confused, it can be found from the link or if you are stubborn check my profile. Please enjoy.

Also slight trigger warning for this chapter, nothing major but reader-san will be cutting their hand once so please beware of that.

Why did this happen!? I sat on my knees near the row of my dead friends, the bots stood a few feet away allowing me to mourn them, the cons have yet to leave us. I held back my tears as best I could, but that strength broke and they poured down my cheeks, landing on the metallic ground with a subtle and silent blob sound. I screamed out, smashing my fists to the ground my body raking and shivering as a sobbed, no one spoke a single word as I cried my crys echoed through the air, if any other life was around they would have taken off in the opposite direction in horror over the noises I made.

I don't know how much time passed as I cried, nor did I care. I laid on the ground between Raymi and Tyson cuddling up to their motionless bodies, light sniffles came from me I heard pad falls heading my way and a soft concerned voice spoke "(Y/N) we must leave. It is getting late and we need to find shelter." It was Drifts voice "Then go." I bluntly stated, my voice was hoarse from all the screaming. I want to die, I made so many mistakes and caused so many problems if anyone should be dead it should be me! I thought as I sat up onto my knees, Fang had walked up to me he was now back to his metallic form his blue optics could be felt staring at me as if trying to force me to move with them alone.

It took me another half hour to move, when I stood my legs nearly gave way on me and Fang caught me, helping me walk, the bots walked ahead of me, Galvatron and Crosshairs walked behind me, we only made it a few feet from my dead friends, it was so silent only pad falls could be heard, metal against metal I had lost my train of thought all was blank in my mind when suddenly I step on a switch of sorts, it descended into the ground slightly and everyone froze, as if having the same thought of me activating a weapon that may blow us up or something. But nothing happened, for a few minutes we thought we were safe till something could be heard opening, we looked around to find a latch open up with some sort of pedestal rising in front of it, we cautiously  walked over, the latch lead to an abyss of sorts the pedestal was a control panel of sorts as well, "A con should fly down and check it out. I vote Starscream." Bumblebee speaks softly "No way!" Starscream growls as I walked over to the panel to look at it, it was small, as if a human should use it I placed my hand on it curiously, Only to cause it to activate, blue symbols appeared on it "Give up some blood." A familiar voice spoke in my head "What?" I asked out loud "What did you do?" Knockout asked "I just touched it." I mumbled "Draw blood, revive your friends." The voice spoke again, that last statement pushed my nerve and transformed my bracelet into a razer and sliced the palm of my hand holding my hand above the panel letting my blue blood drip down, the moment the first drop feel down the ground quakes slightly and something could be heard behind us closing quickly, I turns to see my friends engulfed in metal spheres that shined blue.

As I ran over to them the bots tried stopping me, stating it could be dangerous, I didn't care! I wanted my friends back, even if I had to do terrible things to get them back, even if I had to become a monster. As I stood mere feet away from them locks could be heard and gears moving as the spheres broke apart sending pieces flying, I fell down shielding my head.

I couldn't believe it, my friends... they came back! I started crying at the sight, all of them were back, they looked normal, with Cybertronian chest and shoulder plates on, even along their arms, there eyes had changed as well, instead of human eyes they were optics the same color as their eyes but optics all the same. "What happened?" Raymi asked slightly worried as he looked his new armor over "Y-y-you died!" I cried out covering my face as I sobbed once more "Died?" Tyson questioned as he ran over to me and embracing me "Yes, the moment you entered the portal you could not breath the air and thus passed away." Optimus spoke "I... I thought I-I had lost you." I sniffled as I hugged Tyson back.

When everything had calmed down Milo started doing silly poses stating how she "rocked the new look"  while we looked for shelter, it was night and we still had no idea where we were, the cons thought it was best for them to stay till we figured it out so that was our new objective finding out where the hell we were.


You didn't think Author-chan would leave you human-less did you? No way, I don't kill off my characters like that (at least not in my fan fictions) I wonder where you are.  But seriously I am happy to get this out, I now a few of you readers loved my first story and have been waiting months for this one. Thank you all for your patients and I hope you keep enjoying my story.

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