To Pass the Time

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Narrative P.O.V

The autobots walked around the base, all thought still remained the same. It has been 8 months since she left them, 8 months of guilt and worry that probed away at Optimus's processor, 8 months of dreadful worry and sorrow for the others, and slight hope she would be seen or heard from. It was a new rule to no longer me tion her name unless absolutely necessary, specially in the presence of Tyson or Raymi. The two delved into each other for comfort and help, it caused Crosshairs to grow jealous but the bot understood his human mate needed it. But when Tyson needed him he was there, he never turned him away, even if it kept him up for long night without recharge. The same was for Soundwave, it was uncertain if he and Raymi were a thing, but it was obvious the con cared for the human or he wouldn't comfort him in his time of need.

"I think I found a way to get some money!" Tessa ran into the base holding a paper "What's that babe?" Shane asked from a couch, the base had been made for luxury to an extent, just a few pieces of furniture here and there and extra pillows and blankets. "This. A couple miles away there is a race known as Ultra Race Wars, you basically gamble away things, but there are judges that will each pick their favorite cat to go against the others then who ever wins gets a huge prize." She finished a she showed him and Cade the paper "I could go for a race." Knockout smiled some what "That sounds fun." Tyson spoke up lowly "If we have Bee and Drift in it too we have a high chance of winning." Raf stated calmly "Yeah." Tessa nodded.

"Remember boys, we need the prize." Cade spoke as he sat in Knockouts driver seat "Yeah yeah." Crosshairs sighed only to receive a pat on his wheel from Tyson "Be nice Cross." He faked a smile, but he could see right through it. Currently along with Fowler, Drift and TGP Bee they made their way to the races, about 19 miles from camp. When they had arrived so many people showed up with different types of cars, various type, some that made it clear people really needed the prizes to survive, others of luxury. "I feel so at home right now " Knockout cheered through the radio "Hey guys we have visual from the hood and door cameras, if she shows up we may see her." Jack spoke from misspoke back at camp in front of the computers.

12 races won out of 30 so far so good. Only Bee got kicked, he said he thought he saw their lost companion and that caused him to lose, but the humans walked around on break with no sign of her. Tysons hopes crushed as did Raymis back at camp "You alright sweetspark?" Crosshairs asked as Tyson sat on his hood "Nope, I am not even going to hide it." He spoke bluntly, no emotion laced his words "We will find her. I swear it." He spoke to his lover "I hope so Cross... I wasn't there when she needed me I need to be there now." He stood up "Hello, hello what we got here?" A voice spoke from the side Tyson turned his head to see a bald man with a tan and green eyes "Nice ride buddy." He spoke up "Though, I think it would look nice with me driving it." He laughed "Oh really?" Tyson raised a brow as Crosshairs was trying not to rev his engain trying to be intimidating "Yeah, how about we race, car for car, I win I get yours and keep mine, I lose you get mine and keep yours." He spoke smugly "Let me see your car." Tyson crossed his arms "Over there." He pointed to a neon blue Camaro with purple lines along with doors "Yeah, that would make great scrap metal I need for a new piece of art I've been working on. Car for car bro." Tyson put his hand out for a shake "Alright then, deal." The man shook his hand.

"I hate you right now." Cross spoke "Shut up, or I will break your gas pedal." Tyson kicked said pedal lightly "Easy, no need to get mean." Cross sighed as he revved his engine. The two cars were in line getting ready to take off, at the sound softly the gun they took off at full speed. Tyson had his hands on the wheel but he was not in control, Crosshairs held that ability, his foe was gaining on his tail pip but Cross wasn't having that he went to full speed, the others hood was just to the back end of passenger door as they crossed the finish line. They both skitted to a stop, Tysons seat belt held him in place.

The last few racer has been picked, Drift with Cade, Tyson and Crosshairs, a lady by the name of Trish and a man named Jones. The judges were letting them take a break before finishing the race "No sign of her." Raf spoke through his walkie talkie Tyson frowned at that once more.

All four racers had taken off at the sound of a gun only to be blasted off the road by Unicron in his jet alt mode as he flew over them, everyone had started running to their cars or driving off as they shouted in fear "Optimus back up!" Drift shouted in contact with the Prime  "We are on our way, protect the humans!" He shouted back as the cons and bots ran out of base.

It was 8 minutes I to the chase fight Unicron was running on his peds for a few then takes to the sky to shoot, he gets tired of that and chases them on peds. It goes back and forth "Any day now Prime!" Cross shouts as he weaves around avoiding the blasts as Tyson holds onto his seat "We are still a few minutes away!" Prime shouts back "Well hurry up!" Cross growled through the radio just as another jet of sorts could be seen flying passed the land bound bots, it was like a regular human fighter jet, but the guns were bigger then normal and it had a glowing blue color about it. It shot at Unicron with pure accuracy it caused him to stop his run and shoot at it, as it flew just above him it changed shape and landed in front of him, it's shae had changed into a massive lion that would go to Knockouts waist. It charged at Unicron fangs and claws bared as it jumped and clamped down onto his gun and clawed at his armor.

The bots came to a stop and had transformed, unsure of what to do as the humans got behind metallic boulders a new engine could be heard, a smaller one the bots attention turned to a cloaked figure on a motorcycle driving at high speed, riding up a fallen merchant booth and gaining air, the figure stood up in a crouched position and jumped from the motorcycle it launched herself towards Unicron, at this point the lion had ripped his gun of and damaged his face plates and now was prowling around growling, the figure transformed its cloak into a massive cannon and blasted at him repeatedly, the bullets damaged this armor more, causing dents and openings in vital points he screamed in pain and rage, the figure landed onto his helm, the impact causing him to fall over, he grabbed at the figure only for his hand to be bitten into by the lion. As the figure was about to send the final blow she was blasted off by an unknown being from the distance.

The others had shown up and seen the whole thing the looked at the destination of the blast to find Megatron possessed by Unicron just as (Y/N) had mentioned. "Now we can't have killing him human." He spoke, his optics had gone from red to purple and he had vain like lines over his armor the same color "Come Unicron, I shall patch you up." He spoke as he pointed his canon at the human the lion growled not willing to let him go "Fang. Let him go." The figure spoke the voice all to familiar. The lion let him go, he got up as best he could, Megatron lead him to a portal, once through it closed and the lion walked over to the human.

"(Y/N)!!!!" Tyson shouted as he ran from behind the boulder to his friend tears streaming down his face "Tyson wait!" Cross yelled the bots shook their helms unsure if why they let them get away, unsure of what caused them to not move as their enemy left the battle field. "You let that basterd get away but you're alive!" He ran up to his friend and tackled her into a hug. His tears fell into her shoulders as he cried "Never leave me alone again!" He shouted as he sniffled.

Back at camp Raymi was crying also, as Miko patted his shoulder along with Jack. "(Y/N) we are glad you are alive." Drift spoke as the bots walked up to the two "Yeah." She stated as she hugged Tyson back "Fang. Are you ok?" She turned her attention to her metallic feline companion he nodded he was fine "Good. If anything happens let me know, that was the first time using your new alt mode." She stated "(Y/N) we must talk." Optimus spoke hesitantly "No we don't." She looked at him with no emotion. "I let him get away for a reason. Like it or not." She spoke up as Tyson cuddled into her more, afraid she may leave once more if he lets go. "What do you mean!? You let our biggest threat get away! We could have taken him!" Arcee grumbles "No you would have died, Megatron has all of Unicrons power from TFP, and that Unicron is stronger then this world's. He was hell bent on getting this world's Unicron on his side and he would kill you to do so, and it would be easy." She looked up at them "I saved you to fight another day." She finished as she pushed Tyson off gently "..and before you ask. The Matrix is fine." She turned her attention to Galvatron "Do you want it?" She asked causing his optic to widen "To bad you can't have it." She turned on her heel heading towards Fang "Wait where are you going!?" Tyson spoke with worry "I'm not needed here so I am going." She looked back at him "Please don't go. We missed you." He frowned with tears lining his face she sighed "Fine... I will come back for the night then I am gone." She turned back around as he beamed a bright smile "Ok." He wiped his tears as the bots shared worried looks ad the cons shared confused ones.

2 Realities, Only 1 War  Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon