Flashback Filler

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Someone messaged me and asked how you pronounce Raymis name, they said they pronounced it one way, and their friend another. So let me help ya.


Ray as in the Ray of the sun.

Mi is pronounced Me.

I hope that helped. Also this will be a short chapter sorry.

"I said I am fine." I growled at the red painted bot "Just cause you look fine and say so means nothing." He spoke back "Give me a break! I didn't do anything." I hissed at him as I stood from the med bed trying to escape.


The knocks echoed throughout the cave, I couldn't locate  them completely, they got louder every few minutes, then slowed to a low him before growing once more. I finally had enough stood from my spot next to a knocker out Drift and walked into a mother opening, it was dark, as I got closer the knocking stopped altogether "Ok... finally." I sighed as I left the opening only for the knocking to start, I turned and pointed "No!" It stopped.

I turned, it started, I pointed "Stop that." It obeyed. This process repeated for a few minutes before I had enough, I picked up a rock and chucked it inside, the knocks hesitated till the rock laid still then a wave of metallic chewing beasts flew out of the cave swarming around me "I regret this decision!!" I yelled as I flail my arms around hitting a few objects as I turned and screamed "Come on I don't deserve this!" I shouted.

I shot my gun an accident startling whatever was swarming me, they stopped and I could finally see... Scraplings... it had to be scrapings they started at me, some laid on the ground others floated "Want to gun?" I smirked as I waved the gun, they followed where I waved it "Ok... go... Fetch!" I yelled as I threw the gun back into the cave, they all flew towards it, fighting each other to get to it first as they fly around fighting for the gun I started pushing on a gear leaning against the wall to cover the opening, it took a good minute till it was fully covered so they won't escape "Ok... bad idea... I don't get paid enough to be a main character " I mumbled as I sank back onto the ground "Oh good you took care of the pest problem." A voice boomed causing me to jump "Not now Megadweeb!!!!" I shouted looking at the possessed deciptacon leader "Come now, aren't you happy to see me again? I would figure after you 'offlined' me you would be happy to be reunited with me." He walked around the room, as if he was stalking prey "I would be happy if you had stayed offline." I stood up "Now, be a dear and get out. I have no time for you." I finished "Sorry... but I have need of you." He stalked towards me slowly "Whoa bro... simmer down I have no need for that, I am not in the mood. Go get a pleasure bot or something." I waved my hands about, he seemed taken aback "That is not what I meant mortal!" He stomped a ped down "Unicron has need of you! You hold information he desires and since he is wounded at the moment, I have come to collect you." He clenched his servo giving me a deadly glare "Oh... no thanks, still not interested." He pointed his canon at me "You have no choice." He smirked just as he took another step he was blasted away "(Y/N)!!! Get away from him!" Another voice yelled from the other side of the cave "On it." I saluted as Wheeljack, Smokescreen and Bulkhead ran in along with Ratchet and Knockout Megatron roared in anger, blasted at the bots as best who could while running and avoiding their attacks.

The fight didn't last long, Megatron fled the moment he could, I told the bots it was scraplings, Knockout gave out a girl scream as Ratchet started attending to the unconscious cons and bots.


"What information do you have, that Unicron would want?" Arcee asked "Most likely certain events that play out against him. He may want to know, to avoid them from failing." I shrugged like it were no big deal "That isn't good." Cade spoke "Not really. But I am fine." I headed over to Fang "Why can't you tell us what to do? Tell us everything we need to know." Miko shouted "Because what I know, isn't certain. They are just possibilities, I only know of 4 things for certain, and they need to remain a secret." I sat against Fangs paw "This is so frustrating." Jack sighed "We are fine for now. Megatron said Unicron was wounded, that's why he couldn't get me himself." I yawned. Today was stressful and I still have a headache from that knocking, I need a nap I groaned at the thought.

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