Patterns By Primus

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Grab those tissues and place them by your desk, or carry them around with ya while on your portable devices! This is the home stretch, the story is almost over. Just a few more updates to go. You have been warned.

"The hell am I!?" I questioned aloud. I was floating about in, what I guess was outer space, it was vast, many blues and hues of purple and pink, stars twinkled about, I did a 360 spin looking around. I couldn't see earth anymore, fear crept around my skin "Welcome young one." A voice spoke calmly, it was deep but soothing "Great I'm hearing dead people again." I mumbled looking around "I am far from dead..." The voice laughed heartily "You know me as Primus. Sole creator of cybertron and its inhabitants." I gasped in shock.

'A god... a freakin god is chilling with me having a casual conversation while I float bout. ' I thought "Oh... um... hi sir." I gulped, my fear being replaced with nervous worry "Please, no formalities... and do not worry, I merely wish to speak with you." I noticed every time that he spoke, star twinkled with his words "Alright... what about." I crossed my legs as I drifted about "I have watched my creations since I crafted them, I have seen their war and it pains me to keep watching..." He paused "That would be a pain." I shrugged trying to force myself to be comfortable about this "Yes, I have come to a conclusion on how to end it, one that will succeed if done correctly." He spoke bluntly "....something tells me I am very involved with your plan." I stretched as I turned upside down... or what I guess would be upside down "Very much so. I am not a cruel god, I wish peace and kindness for all I create, but freewill can become tainted, thus causing a great rift in my creations and throwing your species into the mix. I am sorry to have every involved your kind in this matter, and I am sorry that I must ask of you this favor." He took another pause "I am willing to die for my family Primus. That is not your doing, if it is within my power I will help." I stated without hesitation "Thank you." His voice spoke with truth and kindness, a tint of sorrow as well.


When I woke up I was back in my shared room with Tyson long gone like always. Wrapped up in my plush blanket snuggled into my pillow(s) we had hunted gold energon last night long into the night, ending with all of us being exhausted to no end, I didn't even change my clothes, I stripped plopped onto the bed and passed out.

I did my normal routine, got up, dressed flattened my hair realized it is a hair up kinda day, put it in a bun and slugged out the door still sleepy. I trudged I to the mess hall for lunch, I slept well passed noon, most of the bots were out the dinos were chilling with Ironhide and Brains near the energon cubes by the walls, I got a tray and sat down near window, the very bottom layer of the facility was the farm, everything remained underground and held color powered lights and such, the farm was a massive pasture with grass, giant walls lined it with color powered light panels as well as the ceiling. The farm houses cows, chickens, goats, sheep even a few dogs to help around, that seemed like normal animals up front but they are born metallic on the outside, very light fur grows in later and their organs are metal. The outer walls being the meat, though it was rare for the animal to actually have fat, but the meat was both tender and rough and protected the metallic organs inside.

As I finished the last few bites of my lunch Raymi came skidding into the mess hall with an existed look on his face, Soundwave could be seen in the doorway watching his mate with a blank visor "We found it!" He cheered slamming his hands onto the table happily "It was buried under a massive energon deposit, there is enough for one weapon for each of the bots and you!" He smiled at me as I registered what he was saying. We finally found gold energon, the most rare, almost nonexistent type, the fact it was within earth was a long shot at best but we found it.

The hanger that held the new energon was near the bots and cons quarters, it was pure gold, shiny without any real light "I never thought gold energon existed." Drift mumbled to TFP Bee and Hound, they both nodded "It was a long shot really." Arcee chimed in "How are we to make weapons out of it though, it is more fragile then the common blue energon." Bayverse Ratched scuffed "I can manage." Ironhide took offence, he was the weapons specialist, he managed creation and care for our weapons, he forged them himself with the help of Lennox and even Tyson and Cade. "Do not go overboard Ironhide." Bayverse Prime spoke as I stepped into the hanger "I know what I'm doing! I already have some ideas on weapons for most of ya." He scuffed again crossing his servos over his chassis "Come on guys leave ol'Hide alone, I have faith in his capabilities and Cade can help him... just don't let Cade near the blow torch again, my Tysons' hair smelt burnt for a week." I chuckled as Cade let out a whine of disapproval.

A few more days since the energon haul and Ironhide, Cade and Tyson went to work on our weapon forging, Tyson and Cade often crashed in his office, Crosshairs even walked in looking for his lover with worry but calmed down when Hide pointed to his sleeping form right over the barrel of the new gun his was making for Cross. While the weapons where being forged the bots and I hung with Lennox and Epps on missions for supplies and intel, Unicron was spotted once and Megatron 4 times. No one has seen Starscream but word was around about a jet flying over what once was the Pacific. Once the weapons are done, we can finally end this, and with Primus himself intervening now, through me, I can help my family.

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