The simple things

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"Some times what is thought to be, is not how it shall turn out."

"Guys guess what we found!?!?" Miko and Raf came running into the camp with goofy grins on their faces "What is it?" I stood from my spot near the camera monitors "We found a lake!" Miko stopped running "Yeah surrounded by a nice forest! And regular wild life, like deers and bears!" Raf exclaimed happily "Really where?" Tessa spoke "It was just a few miles south of here, We found it while flying with Starscream." Miko blurted out "Wait you flew with Starscream!?" Fowler yelled "Yeah, we got bored and he was bored, so we compromised and decided to scout out from the sky." Raf said sheepishly "We should go check it out. Maybe if the lake is clean enough the humans could get a bath." I spoke up calmly. "Oh god I would love a bath!" June and Tessa spoke in unison "Yeah I agree." Cade nodded. "What do you say Optimus, yes, no?" I looked up at bayverse "I see no harm in it, but we need to be careful." He headed out of camp with everyone following.

Raf and Miko were right, a huge forest circled around a nice lake some small animals such as squirrels and deer could be seen about, some trees had metallic bark but the grass was a shade of green and blue, almost giving off a glow. "Some of the tree leaves are solid panels, maybe storing energy for the forest to grow." Cade noticed "That's so cool! I'm so glad some form of nature still lives on this planet." I smiled happily "Now let's check the water." I headed to the lake, it was crystal clear water, you could see the bottom, no fish seemed to be around either "It seems decent, I don't think it will harm us." I spoke turning to everyone "Bath time!" Miko cheered "Wait!" I spoke putting my hand up "There is a section over there it cuts the lake in half and is covered with rocks, the boys and mechs can go over there, the girls get this side." I pointed to a little hill of boulders and rocks in the middle of the lake "Yeah, I don't want any man seeing my goods." Miko crossed her arms "Though most everyone got to see what (Y/N) has to offer when we were at the spa." She grinned causing my face to blush "Shut up! That was an accident! And they saw Arcee too!" I shouted covering my face "Let us not dwell on that please." Arcee groaned "Honey you let them see your giblets!?" Raymi asked "Darling you are still innocent, you musn"t pull men or mech in with your goods, make them work for it!" Tyson stated "Oh like you did with Crosshairs?" I smirked causing Tyson to blush and Crosshairs to cough nervously "Boys leave." June pointed to their side, a few grumbles were heard but they cooperated.

Boys narrative~

The male humans swam around while the mechs sat along side the bank making idle conversation "So Cade how much you want to bet the chicks are talking about boys?" Shane laughed as he drifted in the water "Tessa and June maybe, but Miko and (Y/N) don't seem like the type to talk about girly stuff." Cade stated "I don't know, Miko was trying to get her to act more girly." Bayverse Bee spoke "Yeah only so she had blackmail on her." Ironhide stated "True." Bee admitted "So Tyson, how are you and Cross doing in the relationship department?" Shane asked, Tyson had been diving down into the water and resurfacing for fun "Oh we are good. No more sex though..." He grumbled causing Cade to choke on his breath intake and Shane to laugh loudly causing the mechs to glance at them "Everything ok over there?" Cross spoke looking over at Tyson "Tysons just sad cause you two can't bone anymore." Shane chuckled out "Bone?" Cross questioned "It's a human term for interfacing." Knockout spoke "Oh." Cross mouthed Tyson sunk down into the water in embarrassment "We could still do that." Cross shrugged "No you can't. You're like 30 times bigger than him." Cade looked over "Yeah but remember, Ratchet implanted those devices that allow us to shrink down?" He asked causing everyone to throw there hands up "I totally forgot about those!" Smokescreen exclaimed "Yeah, Tyson wasn't there so he wouldn't know." Cross looked down at his human whom was still underwater.

After explaining the shrinking devices to cons, bot, Jazz, Ironhide and other Ratchet Tyson and Crosshairs had left for some alone time not far from the group "So Raymi-" "Dont even start, I ain't spilling my stories of relationships, or my friendship with (Y/N)." He interrupted "I wasn't going to ask about that." Shane put his hands up from the water defensively "Oh. Then what?" He looked over at the other young adult "I was just curious when you and Soundwave were gonna start dating." Shane smirked "What!?" Raymi spat out in shock "Cheerios come on, stop being Cupid." Cade laughed as Galvatron looked over at Soundwave "Go get some fleshling mess Soundwave." Knockout chuckled "What made you think that?" Raymi squeaked "You always hang out together, and I see the way you look at him time from time." Shane shrugged "Well... that is my business." Raymi stated stubbornly. "What is with everyone getting with giant robots?" Fowler asked "Honestly I am surprised (Y/N) hasn't gotten a crush on one of them. She is the girl in the group that is still single next to Arcee." Jack spoke up "Oh you have no idea Jack!" Raymi laughed causing everyone to look at him.

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