Final Battle Pt: 1

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I walked along the twinkling purple path in the void of the galaxy, where I last spoke to Primus. I had fallen asleep with a single, curious question that I was dying to have answered when I went to sleep I though about asking it and in my dream land I ended up on this gleaming road of star dust with the galaxy above me and planets I could only think would hold life. Earth was far below me as I walked.

I stopped walking when I got to the end of the road, nothing laid ahead here just a colorful ball of light that gave off a gently, soft glow. "You have returned I see." The familiar voice spoke "Sorry to bother you." I spoke "I have a question." I finished looking at the light "What would that be young one?" He asked "I am sure you know I am not actually from this world..." I bit my lip "Yes. I am aware you are of a nothing world, parallel to this one, when you fell into this world originally I caught a glimpse of yours, so similar but yet so very different." His voice was curious "So many interpretations of my creations lives, and their war. A vast series of the same thing with different aspects and events... It seems I am rambling, you had a question correct?" I nodded "Yes. This world specifically, you didn't actually make Optimus and the others did you?" I bit into my lip again As Primus sighed "No, I did not. I made their creators and the planet he and his species would inhabit. When Optimus killed his creators I took it upon myself to care and provide for them. That is why I must put an end in this war, give them a new home to inhabit." His words held sadness for his past creations end but hope for his new ones "I see." I replied "Thank you for being honest." I turned on my heel to leave "Let me ask you, one more time." He started, I tuned my head and looked at him over my shoulder "You are fine with my plan? No regrets over accepting it?" He said calmly "I am fine with it, and accept it." I nodded "It is time I pay for my mistake." With that I left the way I entered.

~Time skip~

"This is some cliche battlefield bullshit." I spoke eerily "Are you sure this is the right spot?" Ironhide gave me sass "I am sure." I sighed. Ironhide had finished our weapons a few weeks ago. Drift got two new gold energon katana like swords, Crosshairs, Galvatron, Soundwave, all got duel pistols Knockout got a chain saw like weapon that he honestly should just marry he likes it to much. The rest of the autobots got canons and a few new blades while I, got a nice double bladed scythe that can also be changed into a gun, plus I got a hold of the tranformium back at our old camp I was set, we all were, for our final battle.

"Are they there yet?" Raymis' voice came from the walkie talkie I had in hand as I sat on TFP Bees' hood "Not yet. We still have another half hour." I spoke into the device. The plan was simple, the bots and remaining cons act as bait for Unicron and Megatron. Elevator platforms were around use and X NEST members were going to be elevated from below and blast them and kick up so smoke, this was Primus' plan, he gave me a good stamp of approval and said it would work. I didn't tell any of the bots who really made it, I just said it was our best bet and they agreed and we went hunting for any thing that could help us and we found the gold energon, now we just waited.

~Time Skip~


Guns were going off, blades were clashing shouts and ordered sounded through the air as the battle commenced. X NEST members were trying to take down the cult army that had showed up to the battlefield, they didn't know how they got there, they didn't care. The cybertronians waged what would be there finally battle with the help of their human (Y/N), Megatron had show up after Starscream mentioned he saw the bots, they new it was a trap, but Unicron had grown impatient and ordered them to go back. The moment Megatron landed in the trap the battle begun, but it wasn't till Starscream was ordered to help that the Cult army showed up after him and the plan was sped up, the X NEST members raised from the grounded elevators, all weapons drawn and aimed for their human counterparts. Drift, Crosshairs TFP Bee and Arcee worked to take down Starscream as the other bots worked to take down the ex-gladiator Megatron.

Starscream was always a coward but he feared Unicrons wrath of he coward away from the battle. He took the sky's and blasted the fight from above, but was gravely injured from the rouge bullets that shot to the sky from below him. One of his wings was badly damaged, a giant hole right in the middle of it causing him to crash land. He fell to his peds and instantly on impacted he was attacked by Bee and Drift, Bee blasted him while Drift slashed at him keeping him on his toes (so to speak) hopefully to ware him down and finish him quickly.

Just moments after the attack Starscream was winded, he wasn't prepared for a land battle, he always was in the sky's for arial support, he wasn't use to this kinda work. That was his down fall. He kept focus on the bots in front of him and forgot about the other two. Bee blasted his side as Drift threw a sword at him only for it to be dodged and right where the bots wanted him, Crosshairs grabbed the flying sword from behind the con and ran him threw, straight through the spark chamber. Cross pulled the sword out and tossed it to the samurai bot as they ran to the next battle at hand. Megatron wasn't going down without the fiercest fight he still had in him.

2 Realities, Only 1 War  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora