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"The unrighteous shall parish,
Our Sins atone,
When the God arises,
The flames will grow"

I read over the lines with a blank stare this cult crap was a pain, I read the next line just as bored.

"None foresee a time of no sorrow,
Our enemies shall fall,
No safe land for miles..."

Who the hell wrote this? I mentally sighed

" safe land for miles,
They who created shall take,
With remorse and no break."

I finished the poem and bashed my head on the table causing Raymi to look over worried "What are you doing?" He questioned softly "Currently trying to end my life." I stated as I continued bashing the table with my now sore head, a book came crashing down "Stop that. You will ruin our great scriptures." A booming female voice spoke "Sorry Madam Gry." I mumbled lifting my head up as the elder women gave me a grave look before walking off.

A week has been spent here inside the cult that was created under Unicrons' name. Raymi and I had gone under cover to infiltrate it for information on how to beat Unicron, so far we found nothing but lame poems and stories, no USEFUL information in the slightest. The cult had a building in the mountains, away from settlements. They allowed anyone in as long as they agreed to be supervised 24/7 all time, they even had cameras in the bathrooms. The building was massive, like a mansion with a few buildings around the lawn for different things. "Did you find anything?" I asked Raymi softly as I rub my head "Gold energon is a thing." He stated matter-o-factly "What!?" I looked at his book, it held pictures, rough sketches more like, of mines and miners pulling out crystals of energon "It's a pure energon, unlike what they eat. It's destructive, like the purple energon, but on a deadly level." He read softly "So if we find this... we could kill he who shall not be named." I stood up and pulled the page out along with the rest of the chapter about it. "Time to go." I shoved the chapters into my bag, grabbed his wrist softly and pulled him to his feet.

As we made our way out of the main hall Madam Gry blocked our exit "Where do you two think you are going?" She asked sickly calm "Outside. I need fresh air my brain can only take so much knowledge before it burns." I stated just as calmly "Oh really? Then let us go outside." She opened the door leading to the massive yard, they had managed to grow color powered grass and trees, giving it a lively appearance, a few people were walking around talking, some even sat on the ground talking and relaxing.
"Such a lovely day for a walk." She inhaled the fresh metallic air "Sure is " I responded dryly, Raymi squeezed my arms gently, a sign that he contacted the others to let them know we are done, Soundwave had given him a button and when pushed would signal him. We walked along the path as Madam Gry walked behind us keeping her eyes on us the whole time.

A few moments of walking we made it to a balcony that over looked the mountain range, the sky was clear "Tell me children, what do you see when you look at this scenery?" She asked "I see a vast land waiting to be mapped and explored." Raymi shrugged as she looked at me "I see a world waiting to be reborn and recreated in Lord Unicrons' image. A world full of disgusting people that need to be cleanse, willingly or not." She spoke bluntly as I saw two familiar jets flying around the bank of mountains "Know what I see?" I inhaled "A sick, close minded person who is brainwashed into believing evil things. Desiring to hurt good people for selfish reasons. This world should be recreated, but not by killing. That's the cruel thing to do, understanding others and knowing the universe doesn't revolve around you is the perfect start." I looked at her as the two jets flew over and transformered and landed on the yard, one was Soundwave here to retrieve his mate, the other the Warlord himself Galvatron come to get me "Babe!" Raymi smiled up at the silent mech and ran over to him.

Everyone in the courtyard screamed and ran inside "You traitors!" Madam Gry screamed running into the building as their soldiers came out to fight the intruders, they had energon pulse canons and guns that badly damage a mechs armor. Soundwave scooped Raymi up and jumped off the balcony transforming around him and taking off. Galvatron followed suit, picking me up and fleeing.

Sadly inside the warlords cockpit I relaxed a little "Please tell me you found some useful information." He spoke "Yes. But we are not sharing till we get to base." I stretched and arched my back "Stupid human." He mumbled in a gruff tone "Do you want me to start pushing buttons again like last time?" I questioned as I hoovered my hand over the jet parachute button "Don't you dare fleshling. Remember how fragging furious Grimlock and Knockout were when we crash landed on them. You made me lose momentum and the parachute covered me, unable to see when flying is dangerous." He growled "Not my fault, I got bored." I put my legs up on the little dash stretching out "Get your filthy legs off me!" He screamed swerving around "Nah, I think I'm gonna catch some Z's, it's long flight back to base, have a nice flight Dweebatron." I pet his sit softly before falling asleep.

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