Harsher Things

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 "Sacrifices must be made to move on in life."


          "Again!" The voice shouted as another hit landed on the fragile being, she let out a groan of pain as she was sent flying back, rolling a few feet before stopping and laying on her stomach "Get up." The same voice spoke as hard steps could be heard coming towards her, she struggled to get up, coughing up blood then falling back down letting out a painful groan "Enough, this clearly isn't going to work." Another voice spoke from somewhere behind the girl "It has to, if she can't learn about her new power, then she is useless." The first voice stated.

          The girl was picked up for her hair as claws dug into her scalp she let out a low scream grabbing onto the creature that dare grab her hair "Stop it! Let me go damn it!" She ordered as she thrashed about still grabbing onto the being "I haven't been ordered to." The creature spoke "Maybe a new approach is needed after all." The first voice sighed "What would that be Lord Galvatron?" Knockouts voice came off to the side, the girl was slowly losing consciousness as her grip was loosening "Let her go for one." Galvatron demanded as the being dropped the girl with a thud, her head bounced on the floor as her body went limb "Lets think, what would took place for her to use the Matrix in the first place?" Galvatron thought allowed "She wasn't beat to near death for one." Knockout stated as he knelt down to check on her, she had her eyes closed but was breathing "Also, she was conscious. Good jump you knocked her out." He picked her up gently "We should try this another time, give her time to heal." He spoke as he walked back to camp, leaving the cons annoyed.

Your P.O.V

          Why do I feel so numb... Again? I thought to myself I opened my eyes slowly to see a metallic ceiling above me, I turned my head only for my neck to pulsate in pain "Ow..." I groaned turning it back "..and she is awake." Tysons voice came from my right just before he leaned over to look at me "Good eevee-ning." He smiled "Let me brief you on what happened ok?" He sat down "Last night the cons it would be great to kidnap you and try to get you to use the Matrix so ya know, you could learn how to use it... welp their plan didn't work, they ended up beating you unconscious, Knockout brought you back to camp and patched you up." He finished "So... my body is numb because of the beating?" I questioned lowly "Nope." He cheered "Your body is numb because it's healing itself. The matrix shut off your nerves so it could heal you up." Raymi piped in "Seems the Matrix has more power then it let on when you fought Unicron." He looked at me with a grin "You are just a lucky daughter of a bitch huh? Getting all the cool stuff." He sat on the other side of me "I didn't ask for it." I stated in a pout "Oh I know you didn't. I'm just bear to warn you... the cons have another plan to try and get you to activate the Matrix again." He shrugged "And what would that be?" Tyson asked him "Can't say, I don't know but Bayverse Prime is for it sadly." He stood up "Welp time for you to rest, come on Tyson." He dragged Tyson away to leave me alone. I closed my eyes and passed out once more.

          Just a week past since the beating everyone was on edge and would avoid me again, only the humans and Fang would come near me. Miko and I were currently watching the monitors, nothing had happened lately, it was boring, Tessa, Shane, Cade and Jack were buying some more food while mapping out some more of the areas so that left Fowler, Miko, Raf, Tyson, Raymi and I, Folwer and Raf were out checking out so more of the tunnel systems that we had yet to explore while Tyson and Raymi were asleep "This is so-" "Don't you even dare." I interrupted her "Well it's true." She pouted "Then go do something." I sighed with no emotion flipping through the cameras "What's gotten into you miss rude butt?" She looks at me "Everything." I stated bluntly "Need to vent about it?" She asked "No... yes... no." I groaned covering my face in frustration "Go on, let it out." She gave me a small smile "Ok... so the cons beat me for one, which I don't mind that much, I really want to learn how to use the Matrix and all that, but now they have another plan and I am getting jumpy about it just waiting for one of them to jump me, and again everyone is avoiding me for reasons I don't know." I looked back at the cameras "Maybe you should beat the cons before they beat you?" She shrugged "Oh yeah totally." I rolled my eyes glancing over camera B that faced outside the exit if the tunnels to see the bots and cons fighting with full force against each other "Seriously! I stood up Miko stay here!" I ran to the exit.

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