Buttons no Good

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First and foremost I am sorry for the late updates, the holidays are around so I've been busy. Though there is no excuse for denying you dears a story you enjoy, sorry for the wait. 

Secondly, due to the new trailer of the new transformers movie, I am stating now, if this story does continue through the movies release, depending on what happens, I may or may not add things, for now I shall continue as I wrote it previously, maybe later on I might add an alternative story to this, I'm not sure. For now please enjoy the update. Author-chan out.


"To the left! To the left! Everything you own in the box to the left!" I shouted over the sound of an Indiana Jones boulder behind Tyson and I, Tyson got the hint and jumped into a small dead end turn off in the tunnel, I followed and got sandwiched as the boulder rolled by "Now... what did you do?" I asked him calmly "I pushed the button." He shrugged as he moved out, brushing our bodies till he fell out of the turn off onto his side "Why?" I groaned "Because it was shiny." He got up and brushed himself off "Why did I allow you on this damn mission." I stepped out of the turn off and heading back up where the boulder rolled from "Because I refused otherwise."


"Good, once more." I barked at Fang as he jumped off the cliff, mid air her transformed into his jet and flew up "Target practice, go!" I shouted, he flew above me and blasted a few targets behind us on some metallic trees as he passed over them "Alright that does it for today." He turned back, flew to the ground, transformed mid air once more and finished with a light run till he came to a stop in front of me "Good job." I patted his for leg as I walked by, he gave me a low rumble as if saying "Thank you."

"(Y/N) we need to speak." Bayverse Prime spoke, we hadn't exchanged any dialogue since Fang and I came back "Do we?" I questioned rudely. He didn't seemed fazed but did hesitate "Yes, the dinobots have discovered a hug energon mine just passed the north settlement, I have sent both Drift and Crosshairs, they had com'd in saying they were hearing strange noises, I ordered them back but the com link ended, I then sent Ratchet and Arcee, they have failed to return now Galvatron and Soundwave have left but I fear they will not return either. I was curious as to what you think." He finished, I ran the info over my mind before speaking "I'll leave to go see." I turned on my heel "I'll go with!" Tyson ran up to me "No, you will get in my way." I walked back to Fang "That's cute. Let's go." He smiled "No Tyson." I gave him a stern look behind my shoulder "Yes Tyson." He smirked "Fine! But you have to do what I say exactly how I say it." I climbed into Fangs cockpit, Tyson following "Get in the front." I ordered he I'd as told, once he sat the seat belts locked him in place "Where are you sitting?" He asked as he looked about the dash boarded of Fang "Now where, I am standing behind you, Fangs cockpit can fit 4, but only has one sit." I grabbed a handle above me "Let's go." I patted Fangs dash as he started up.

"Wow so pretty." Tyson mumbled as he looked around the mine, there were energon crystals everywhere, on the floors, walls and ceiling "They taste good too." I smirked "You ate some!?" He seemed shocked "Yeah, you forget I am part cybertronian, as are you. We can eat this. Just not a lot." I shrugged as I turned down a tunnel, "What do they taste like?" "Sweet, kind of like candy, but it has a slight bitter after taste." I stated bluntly.

We had made it into a round cave with a high ceiling, energon stopped showing a few feet back, the room had a hug broken screen with dusty consoles, a dull red button lay between keyboards "Don't touch anything." I looked about "Ok." He spoke as he looked around "What where they doing down here?" I looked at the ceiling, there were broken chains, what did they hang up? Just as I was about to turn in a tunnel leading down more I heard something activate, I turned around to see Tyson behind me looking around "What was that?" I asked as a latch on the ceiling opened up and out rolled a boulder "Run... Run!" I shouted grabbing Tysons hand and running out.

~End le flashback~

"Now.. don't touch anything! Keep your hands to yourself!" I ordered at him "Got it." He spoke behind me. We walked down the tunnel we ran away from earlier "Do you hear that?" I asked "Silence?" He questioned "No... I hear... chewing?" I slowed down "Stay here, hold this." I handed him a pistol and ammo  I took off down the tunnel only to round back and ask "You do know how to shoot right? And unload and reload?" I gave him a concern look "I am dating Crosshairs, I know more then just that." He gave me an offended look "Ok, just checking." I took off again.

Down the tunnel I leaned against the wall, the chewing had gotten louder, I held my pistol to my side took a slow breath then turned around the wall to see the missing cons and bots, all knocked out and badly damaged, chewing sounded around the cave "Anyone conscious?" I asked walking around the bots only to retrieve silence. As I walked around I kicked a piece a metal, the echo sounded around the room and the chewing stopped "Tyson!?" I shouted as loud as I could "Yeah!" A dull echo followed "Get back to Fang!" I yelled "Get the other Ratchet and Knockout!" I shouted.

A few moments since silence over took I hear little knocks around the cave I checked over the bots first, they had bite marks in their metal all over along with the cons, the knock became more frequent and louder as I made my rounds checking on the cons "Stop knocking!" I commanded only for the knocks to get louder causing me to get a headache "What the he'll is going on?" I held my head in annoyance.

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