Reassurance is Key

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Regarding my Optimus x Reader story, who do you dears want it to be TFP or Bayverse, I have ideas for both, just want to know which on you would like me to write first.

Short update, will update once more later today.

"Be careful!" A voice boomed as I lost my balance and fell backwards, multiple books falling around me one hitting me in the head sending me onto my back "Ow!" I whined "That was just rude!" I rubbed my head as I sat back up "Are you alright?" The voice got closer "Yeah... the books just hate me." I chuckled nervously as an arm grabs my shoulder helping me up "Why did you feel the need to carry so many books at once anyway?" It asked softly "To get them organized faster." I admitted as I grabbed them from the floor "Allow me to help you." The owner started grabbing some as well "If you're not busy I could use help... thanks Optimus." I mumbled once the books were all gathered between the two of us.

Half a month passed, I made a full recovery I was put on multiple jobs to make up for the time I wasted healing this base strongly believes in paying your own way around here, doing your job to stay on base, I've been organizing books in the library, keeping the dinobots occupied now that they finished the cybertronian quarters, helped the Ratchets and Knockout around their med bay and even helped Brains and Ironhide create new weapons for the soldiers. I currently was collecting a few books that needed to be organized on certain shelves, when Bayverse Optimus showed up to check on me, I had been holding up a giant stack of books that obscured my vision. He had spoke, spooking me, sending me back and the books flying.

We made our way down the aisle of books "Lets see... First Battle of Metallic Earth.. that should go there..." I spoke to my self placing the book in its place "Fight for Iron Jungle goes here and Destruction of Ground Ocean there..." I listed them as I placed them. "This books don't seem interesting." Optimus confessed "They are history documentaries... 500 years have passed remember... they had about 43 wars during that time. Most for territories, others for resources all with humans." I started organizing his pile as he held them "Also... did you finish that report for Lennox?" I put the last book in its place "Yes, I had Bumblebee give it to him." He nodded as we made our way out of the library.

"How are you feeling? Tyson informed me that you sometimes wake screaming during the night..." He spoke softly, trying not to let others hear as we walked pass them "I am fine... just nightmares." I rubbed my cheek with my pointer finger shyly "Nightmares, or memories your wish to forget?" He asked with a raised eyebrow ridge "Memories." I mumbled quietly. He placed his servo on my shoulder gently for reassurance, we hadn't shared this much dialogue since I gained consciousness. "I will be fine, just need some time." I looked at him blankly "If you need to vent out frustrations, or vent out emotions I am always here to listen." He conveyed "I know... thank you... I will keep that in mind." I gave him a light smile.

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