Starting it up

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"You want us to go back!" One of the Ratchets shouted in annoyance "Yes?" I questioned looking at him "Why!? We drove 5 hours here it will take 5 more hours to get back!" He grumbled "I really want to check out that pit we fell near when we got here." I crossed my arms "Why? It was just a giant hole in the ground." Tessa stated "No... I don't think it is... I just have a gut feeling it means something, it is there for a reason." I mumbled at the end "What do your insides have to do with how you feel?" Shockwave asked "It is just an expression, it means I have a feeling." I looked up at him "Fine, I will take Galvatron with me and go check it out." I started towards the  Decepticon leader "Seriously him of all beings?" Tyson asked with Cade following with "Yeah, why not someone trustworthy?" I turned on my heels back at them "Because he is a jet? They are fast." I headed back to him as the leader transformed "Miko here!" I tossed her a transformium walky talky "So we can keep in contact, while you dears take your sweet time following us." I hopped in "Lets go big guy." I ordered as he closed the cockpit and took off.

"I didn't fly that fast." Galvatron looked down at my form as I bent down trying to keep my insides in tacked and not throw them up we took a slight detour for my dear stomach, "I have..." I coughed slightly "I have been imprisoned on an alien ship... shot down aliens with a giant gun.. rode dino bots and even break up fights with two massive robots on a daily bases... but that was a first for me riding in a jet... how can you do that on a daily bases! It is horrifying... so high up... so fast!" I looked up at him "Grow up human, it wasn't that fast." He sighed.

We had made it to the pit after our little pit stop (pun intended) "Well... we are here now what?" He asked as we walked over to the hole "Most likely something stupid." I chuckled as we looked down "Just give me a minute to think." I walked around it's outer rim "(Y/N) come in! Are you there?" Cades voice came from my headset "Yo we just got here, what's up?" I questioned "Just checking in you ok?" He asked "Yes, I am still alive... but you might want to hurry, I think I may do something stupid." I smirked "What? Why? What stupid thing!? Don't do it!" He stated in a panic "Just hurry." I ordered before breaking the conversation "Please don't be an idiot, I know you are an Autobot, and it is in your nature as a human to be dumb... but I will be scolded by Optimus if you get hurt." Galvatron crossed his arms "Try to stop me, you don't even  know what I am going to do." I looked up at him with a sly smirk "Just don't do it." He commanded "To late... bye bye!" I cheered as I jumped into the pit "(Y/N)!!!!! What did I just say!" His voice roared as I got farther down.

"Why do I just love being stupid?" I thought aloud to myself jet engines could be heard above me, but very faint "Because you just love causing problems." A familiar voice spoke in my head but I couldn't place it "Prima... why are you in my head?" I questioned as I kept falling "Because I am guiding you, along with everyone else. The moment you entered the space pocket, we merged into you, when you left that world we fell into a sleep of sorts and only just re-awoke when you came to this one." He spoke "Where you the one who told me to draw blood and saved my friends?" I questioned "Yes... that was me, I had other plans after that for you, but you fell asleep so I let you rest." He spoke "Ok, mind telling me why I jumped." I sighed as I looked down, I was in a sitting position with my knees to my chest and arms crossed, but my back faced the empty abyss as I feel "You jumped because you had to." He stated bluntly "Explain?" I asked "I shall start from the beginning." He paused "When you left this world with the Autobots, and fell into ours this world sort of froze, physically it stopped moving, but Unicron slowly awoke, while you were battling in the other worlds, he awoke and started this world up again." He paused once more as I listened "He changed this world and time speed up to catch up with the time lost, but the time speed up so much it went over  the time it lost and started slowing down, till it went back to its regular pace, 500 years have past." He finished "500 years... that..." I couldn't finish, I had no words to say "I forced your body to jump, after Unicron freed himself, this world began to fall into a slumber once more, but it can't if it does, this world will die, you must reactivate it, so it does not fall into the same fate as Cybertron has." He spoke once more "So I plummet to my death to save this world... cool." I huffed "No, you will survive, look down for a moment." I followed the order and looked down I say a fading purple light coming closer "What is that?" I asked "Think of it as the core of this world,it is made out of the same subsistence as the omega lock. It is weaker now since Unicron left it, it will not harm you, once you fall in, your DNA will merge with it and run through this planet and re-activate it once more." He spoke calmly "I will be fine right?" I gulped as the light got closer "Yes. It will not affect you." He reassured me.

It was warm... I looked above me as I laid in the substance, the light started glowing brighter the longer I was in it, the moment I had landed in it the planet made strange noises, like metal on metal "You have succeeded, thank you." Prima spoke "Yeah... welcome." I mumbled feeling relaxed, my body had lost feeling just slightly enough to just feel relaxed and not worry "(Y/N) are yo ok!?!?!" Galvatron shouted as he landed on a small plot of metal land off to the side "Yeah man... this feels so nice..." I smiled "Get out Optimus and the others are on their way we need to return to them!" He spoke looking at the purple substance "Yeah ok... be there in a few." I started lazily swimming over to him.

"Never do that again!" Galvatron spoke as we flew back up "Sorry... it was sort of forced." I mumbled slightly ashamed "Forced by who!?" He shouted "I will tell you with the others. Just wait." I sat back in his set "By the way... your sit feels nice." I spoke calmly "Uh... thank you... I think." He grumbled.

"You what!?" Grimlock roared at me "I jumped in?" I looked at him as if it were obvious. 

It took 1 hour to explain everything to everyone and they seemed shocked, both Primes were away from everyone talking to each other "So much time has passed here..." Tessa spoke "My friends..." She started to tear up as Shane held her "It' ok babe, you still have us." He mumbled to her as Cade looked at him sadly "So what is our goal now?" Raf asked from atop Bumble Bees shoulder "We find Unicron and fight? Or what?" he finished "Ask them." I pointed to the primes as they spoke with each other looking over every once and a while "Or just wait to Unicron to show up... I am sure he felt the planet re-activate... he will be looking for us... or just me." I climbed atop Drift "The possibility of him finding us is about 90%... that is him right over there." Shockwave pointed over to the left of us where a figure was heading our way, walking slowly "We need to go... now!" I yelled jumping from Drift as everyone transformed.

The battle was in full swing, Crosshairs took Tyson, Raymi, Miko and Jack with him while one of the Bees took Darby, Fowler, Raf and Cade, Jazz took Shane and Tessa with him. That left both Primes, both Ratchets, Ironhide,all dinobots and cons and myself. So far it was hard to tell who was winning, we all were injured even Unicron was, the Dinobots kept charging at him from different angels, trying to keep him on his peds while some of us would shoot him from afar, Drift and both Primes would battle him with their swords in close combat, the cons would shoot him from the sky. 

We ran him off after a few minutes of battle, but not without him giving me a warning about hunting me down and slaughtering me.  "You guys can come back now... we ran him off." I spoke through my head piece to Shane "Alright, on our way, are you guys injured?" He asked "Yeah... but nothing life threatening." "Speak for yourself, I have dents and scratches everywhere! Someone needs to help buff me!" Knockout spoke out "Ok well mister sissy paint needs a buff, but we are all fine." I chuckled "Who you calling mister sissy paint! I will have you know I work hard on my coat! Unlike you! It wouldn't kill you to put on some of that human stuff called make up!" KO stated with a wave of a servo "You want to go tough guy! I will scratch your paint and interior even more!" I warned "Enough!" Optimus spoke in a demanding tone "He started it." I groaned "(Y/N) knock it off." The other prime spoke giving me a warning glare "Yes sir." I mumbled staring at the ground with slight fear as the other bots engines could be heard coming closer. "It has only begun (Y/N) I must leave you for now, but I have faith in you." Prima spoke in my head before silence came back. 


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