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Author-chan invites you to a date! I'm going to try and update a few times today as a valentines gift to my precious readers, that goes for all my stories. I am going for at least 2 updates for each story starting now, please enjoy your gift.


The girl woke up, blinding lights took her vision causing a headache to form, she blinked repeatedly to get use to the lights, when she could see she turned her head, the room was pure white, a heart monitor could be heard, she was attached to other machines, a chair sat empty next to her, she tried to remember what had occurred while she tried her body started gaining feeling and like a weight all at once the pain engulfed her, she felt her broken bones, her bruises and scars, her once dislocated joints that now were in their right place she let out an ear piercing scream, her heart monitor beeping repeatedly as a nurse runs in along with a soldier of sorts she is given an IV  and another shot to numb the pain, she drifts off to sleep "You are safe here." Was the last thing she heard.

~At Camp~

Tyson and Raymi had made a full physical recovery, they were still jumpy and easily startled but better. Crosshairs and Soundwave never leaving their mates in and out of camp, Wheeljack was scanning the screens for any sign of life outside base while both Primes conversed with Galvatron and Fowler on what to do about their kidnapped comrade all their plans had massive holes, no one was thinking straight, they were all scatter brained in worry.

A few hours till night fall an a light hum was heard entering the entrance of base Wheeljack flipped the camera to see a drone hovering over just outside the entrance with a sign attached he zoomed in it read "X NEST Got your Friend." Then below is the cordinace to the location "That is such a trap." Arcee spoke with sass "X NEST... that sounds familiar." Miko crossed her arms "X NEST or Next NEST is an underground military base that fights the Anti-cybertronian government, they were last heard 5 months ago when they fought a battle against the giant gray and purple robot that befell a settlement and destroyed it." Raf l read aloud "Where did you get that book?" June asked softly "From the library a few days ago." He admitted "It caught my attention so I thought I'd grab it." He shrugged "If they fight against the government here they might not be trying to trap us." He stood up "We should scout the cordinace out first. We are all going though." Bayverse Prime spoke.


The bots and cons stood behind metallic trees in front of a clearing covered in flowers a helicopter flew below hovering over the clearing before it started opening, gears could be heard echoing as the helicopter descended down, the bots bolted over and saw a landing strip a few miles below as the helicopter landed and people exited "Ya know there is an easier entrance for cars and such." A voice shouted the bots got out their guns and pointed them to a human just behind them, two stockholders stood there in black long sleeves and military paints and combat boots no weapons visible "Follow me to enter the base to normal way." He waved them to follow was another opening started as the other closed a massive.

It was a massive escalator big enough for one bot to stand on and the group of humans got their own "I will show you to the med bay first so you can reunite with your comrade." The man spoke as he walked off his step as the others followed

They entered a massive structure twice their size, military cars and weapons line the floor and walls as people stopped what they were doing to stare at them "Med bay is this way. Lennox go help unpack the fresh supplies." The younger man whined but walked in the opposite direction. They walked down massive halls keeping their guards up "We got your friend about a week ago and have been taking care of her since, she was badly beaten, her joints dislocated, and she was starved and signs of electrocution were shown, she was so weak she couldn't open her eyes." He pressed a hand into a pad by a human size door the bots and cons shrunk down and entered. Hospital beds lined the whole room most were empty "Down here. She's Doc. Mallas' patient." He headed to the left down a few rows till he reached a curtain off area "She's mainly healed, but be prepared to see her." He pulled the curtain back to reveal (Y/N), she was in a hospital gown hooked up to a heart monitor, she had bruises along her arms and neck, nasty colors and sickly pale, you had to look closely to even see if her eyes were open.

A women in a doctor's outfit was writing on a clipboard scanning the teen carefully "Hey Doc." The soldier spoke causing the women to look up "Oh hey hun. Oh wow they are real!" She looked over the bots in curiosity "Nice to meet you, I'm Doctor Denise Malla, I've been taking care of (Y/N) since she arrived, she resting now but should be awake in half an hour, you are welcome to stay and wait to greet her." She spoke softly "Thank you for saving her, and taking care of her." TFP Prime spoke honestly "No problem. Oh, I need to go check on another patient." She checked her watch and waved as she left.

2 Realities, Only 1 War  Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora