Answers to our Questions

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Narrator P.O.V 

"I am so hungry!!!" Miko shouted over the radio "That can not be helped." Raf stated. They were currently driving around this cyber formed planet with the bots while the cons fly through the air checking for any signs of danger "I swear I could go for a single fry right now I am so hungry!" Miko continued "I swear if you mention being hungry one more time I will throw you out!" Bayverse Ratched grumbles "Well I would have loved to right with Bulk but someone refused to let me!" She shouted "Don't blame Fang, he was sleepy, so was (Y/N) she, Bulk was the closest car and she just wanted to sleep, now be quiet or do you want her to wake up and face her wrath?" Jack chuckled lowly, shutting Miko up.

You P.O.V

When I woke we were still driving around "Any progress yet?" I yawned out while stretching "And the sleepy beauty has graced us with her presents." Crosshairs laughs "Shut up and answer the question." I ordered "A..and how long have I been asleep?" I yawned again "You have been asleep for about 5 hours, and we have been driving around for those hours and have seen no sign of life." Drift stated with a bored tone "No life huh? Then what is that to the left of us?" I asked looking over to see some sort of human settlement causing every one to instantly step on their breaks making a few of the humans scream "Why did we not see that?" Jazz spoke up with Hound humming along in agreement " Lets go check it out." I cheered "But it should be best if you guys stay in alt mode, the cons can survey  from above for any shady business." I opened Bulks door and headed towards the settlement with Cade and Shane following while Miko ran ahead of us "Miko slow down! We no longer know what is going on." I grabbed her shoulder forcing her back with us "But... food! Can't you smell it!" She started drooling slightly "Stay by me then.

The settlement was bigger then it looked, it was made of tents that lined up and around with tables full of certain items and foods Miko ran up to a table with burgers and such with an elder lady in charge of it I looked behind us to see the bots parked neatly in a line with the other humans of the group walking around. I took one of my bracelets off and formed it into a walky talky and handed it to Shane "Real quick go put this on Optimus's hood so we can talk." He looked at me for a moment before doing as told with a few more bracelets I made a headset to talk to the bots with and placed it atop my head neatly. "You guys hear me clearly?" I asked walking around "Crystal clear." Optimus spoke "Goody, I am going to see if I can figure out where we are. So far I can tell you, we are in the movies world of Transformers... but I still have no idea what is going on." I sighed "No one is scared of cyber-humans here, or they just don't care, I mean Miko is eating everything on this one ladies table and the lady doesn't mind." I checked around to see the other humans would give my group glances from time to time but no one spoke up about it "Miss! May I ask you a few questions please." I ran up to a young women "Certainly." The women smiled at me "Sorry if this sounds weird, but my friends and I are new hear, what country is this?" I rubbed my cheek sheepishly "This was once America, but after the robot came around and changed it along with the rest of the world." She stated calmly "Oh.. robot?" I asked "Yes, he was huge, silver with glowing purple crystals on his arms, and head. There are rumors that he came from underground somewhere in Connecticut, he is rarely seen though, I only caught of glimpse of him myself." She spoke "Why do you not know any of this?" She questioned "My friends and I were at sea when this all go down, everyone I asked before didn't want to answer any of my questions so thank you, but one more please." I lied to her bluntly but she bought it "Go ahead." She nodded "What happened to the Autobots and Decepticons after the incident in China I mean." I looked at her with a warm smile "The Autobots went back into hiding, but some people in the government are still trying to eliminate them, as for the Decepticons, they had went into hiding as well, but some liked to cause destruction for the fun of it so they became more known to the public then before." She nodded once more "Thank you for the help, sorry to waste your time." I waved her off as I left "Did you guys get that?" I asked through my headset "I got it, but who is the robot that came around and cyberformed everything. Tyson asked I looked over to see him sitting on the Primes hood with a drink "I have a guess... for now we should stock up on food, and stay away from settlements like this when we don't have to." I spoke with concern "Oh you have an idea, would you like to share it with the rest of the class?" Raymi pipped in "Yes... but not here." I growled.

"That should last us for about 2 months." Tessa spoke, we had just finished counting the food we got from the settlement "Now that, that is out of the way." Shane looked at me "What was your idea about what happened to the planet?" He finished causing everyone to turn to me "Um... you wont like my theory... so just remember it is a theory and may not even be true." I looked at them cautiously "Just tell us." Knockout spoke this time "Unicron..." I stated with a gulp all the bots narrowed their eyes and Tyson spit out his drink "What!?" He shouted at me "In the tv show Unicron possessed a very dead Megatron  and came after the Autobots." I stated bluntly "But Unicron hasn't been seen nor heard in centuries, he was assumed dead." Wheeljack spoke "Like I said he possessed Megatron, he never really showed himself, later on it turned out he had become the planet Earth and was in a deep sleep. Maybe he forced it to cyberform." I sighed "But why are their humans still around then, they look healthy and act unfazed by the polluted air." One of the Bees chimed in "I don't know... it is all I can think of at the moment." I crossed my arms over my chest "That's why I feel it is best we stay away from settlements, as to not draw attention, plus some governments are still trying to take you guess out so it is best if we hide and law low." I looked at them "We are flying air crafts, we can not lay low." Starscream grumbled "Then stay above the clouds, so no one can really see you and come down at night." I stated with sass "Don't make me squish you." He put is pad above me to frighten me "Just try it, I will tear you to scrap." I looked up at him. I knew one thing, this was going to yet again be a long day.

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