Info Galore

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"Optimus' name was originally Orion Pax..." Another punch sounded through the room "That is not what I asked!" A shout echoed through the halls "The voice for Optimus Prime is the same voice used for Eyore from Winnie the Pooh." Another punch "Give me usefully information fleshling!" Megatron growled out "Drifts decepticon name was Deadlock." She smirked as the punch was aimed to her stomach, she coughed up blood.

The girl was hung by her arms, her clothes were torn and bruises and scars littered her body, her hair was ruffled. She had been in captivity for weeks but has not backed down to her enemy since. They have tried electrocuting her for the information, beating her up and starvation, going so far as to starve her and dehydrate her but nothing worked, they went back to physical treatments, rotating who beat her from the ex warlord himself, to his second in command to Robo-Satan himself Unicron.

"If you refuse to tell me what I desire, I will be forced to rip a limb off you!" Megatron shouted "Take your pick. I got 5 of them to spare." She spit at him giving him an uninterested look as her body started to numb once more to the pain.

~Back at Base~

"How are they doing doc?" Shane spoke calmly as if the two boys would wake at any moment "Don't call me that. They are doing well, their heart is stable along with their breathing." He went back to looking at the monitor screens.

Crosshairs and Soundwave stayed by the boys sides the minute Ratchet allowed them into the med-bay, not once leaving, Wheeljack and Jazz were put on duty to give them their energon when needed as the rest worked on finding (Y/N), with everyday passed everyone's desire for her return grew and hope decreasing, Galvatron had apologized for Starscreams betray oddly enough, like a good leader should for his subordinates actions, he doubled his patrols to make up for the lack of Starscream which surprised everyone.

A few days had passed when Raymi finally woke up, Tyson still passed out. Raymi had sat up and immediately got dizzy being pushed back down gently by Soundwave who showed a smiley face on his visor. When fully conscious TFP Optimus asked him what had happened, he told them the whole story, from when they were captured to when (Y/N) was brought in and they were set free. He spoke fully of his torture and in depth of how it felt, when he spoke of this to the others both Knockout and Ratchet were amazed they even survived, Crosshairs and Soundwave were furious and agreed to put Megatron in his grave, everyone was scared and worried for (Y/N)s' fate, the longer she stayed in their hands, the quicker she may give up the fight, or even be drawn into insanity.

~Back with you~

My body had finally given on me, I no longer felt the pain, or the burn of electricity, did blood even run through my veins anymore? Did my heart still beat? Hell do I even have a functioning body? They had left me to starve once more, they are suppose to be smart, it didn't work the first time, why do they think it will work now. My mouth was dry, my throat sore, I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore, my hearing was all I had for now, it had become sensitive, I could hear the mechs 3 hallways away, I knew when they were coming, or even when they left the building all together.

Hours passed when Megatron and Starscream left for what ever, leaving me with Unicron, he kept to himself for the most part, he had a gruff voice, he was more like Megatron but way more powerful and intimidating, he played his chess pieces all over the board and preferred to have his King as far away from the action as possible, Megatron being his Queen, Starscream his many pawns, Megatron moved around the board obedient to his King while Starscream did most of the back stabbing dirty work.

"It is a shame you were created as such a weak, disgusting species." Unicrons voice spoke from the entrance "Am I the weak one?" I questioned "The way I see it... I'm not the one who has others do my dirty work." His ped falls echoed, storming over to me grabbing a pinch of my hair and forcing head up to face him, my eyes remained close but I could tell he was angry "The response tells me I hit a nerve." I smirked only for him to pinch my already numb arm and start pulling, the muscles being stretched for the first time in so long caused it to regain some feeling forcing me to whimper slowly "Finally have some feeling huh?" He chuckled darkly as he pulled more till a satisfactory popping sound hit my ears signifying my shoulder was popped out of place, my already sore throat didn't stop me from screaming out in pain.

When my scream died down all that remained was another dark chuckle as my other arm was forced out of place, another scream forced from my throat. "Humans are such interesting creatures." He spoke so softly it actually terrified me, the pain slowly subsided and became numb once more "How about these? Can they be pulled out of place?" He grabbed both my legs at the thigh "Digits off the merchandise jerk!" I coughed out only for one leg to be pulled and popped out at the hip, I bit my tongue this time, refusing to give him the satisfaction of hearing my screams "Come now it isn't like anyone will hear your screams, let them out." He dug his digit into my flesh leaving a scar, I whimpered lowly "A little louder." He ordered digging it into my flesh further "You want me to scream so bad work for it." I growled harshly "Such a shame you are my enemy." He gave in and tugged on my leg popping it out of place I squeaked this time then bit my tongue.

When that incident was over he stormed off in a rage leaving the building. It left me alone for once in a while I hear shuffling a few hours later but it was small, not cybertronian at all "Team A, left Team B with me." A voice spoke in a near whisper it was right outside the room "What the hell!?" It gasped "We need to get her down!" Running steps were heard nearing the chains that held me in the air "Easy." The voice repeated "Just get me down damn!" I hissed "You're alive!?" The voice seemed shocked "Very much! Just barely! Take your pick! Get me down!" I could hear the chains rattle till I felt a presents near me "I have no strength to open my eyes." I confessed "But you have enough to be sassy." Another voice spoke as the being picked me up "Lennox shut it! Go get the car!" It spoke "Yes Sir." Footsteps were heard leaving "You should rest, we have a while till we get to our base." I could feel movement... I guess he was actually carrying me "I... need to get back to my friends." I spoke softly "We will get you back to them, but for now rest." He ordered kindly.

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