Figuring it Out

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"Finding your way, is never easy."

"Why did I choose to come with you!?" Miko shouted through the building only to receive people shushing her in annoyance "Sorry..." She huffed walking up to me "We have been here for 3 hours, you haven't found anything!" She grumbled falling into a sit next to me "Maybe if you let me read, and be silent I could find something." I hissed glancing over the page I was on.

We had found a library of sorts, only a few humans roamed it's halls, it was huge, almost like a college library, it had 3 levels, even a small cafe in the corner in front to the entrance. Most of the contants were written on scrolls, some books but mostly pieces of paper just tied with string in the corner, or just above the top, it made it seem like the world truly did start over from scratch.

Miko openly groaned "Fine. I'm going to go get a coffee. Want one?" She stood up "Sure, white chocolate cappuccino for me." I stated flipping the page.

5 white chocolate cappuccinos later along with 3 more hours and it was dark out, Miko had left 2 hours ago with Bulkhead. I was alone in the library, the librarian sleeps in a small room on the first floor and even gave me the key to lock up. I let out an annoyed low scream and tossed the book across the isle I sat in face planting the table in aggravation "(Y/N) Prime (L/N) I know you did not just throw a book!" A voice screeched causing me to flinch "Please refrain from speaking me new full name." I groaned out lifting my head  from the table to see Bayverse Bee, Ironhide, Drift and TFP Prime in there shrunken forms"What are you doing here?" I questioned as Bee picked up the book "We came to get you." Ironhide spoke as he glanced around the room "I just need one person to pick me up though." I stood up as Bee put the book on a shelf "Well Bee was going to pick you up originally, but we had found something that may bee of interested to you." Drift spoke as he placed a scroll in front of me "Did you just make a Bee joke?" I looked at him shocked "Not on purpose I promise." He walked around the isles glancing over the isles along with others. "I sat back down and started opening the scroll "Did you find any information?" Optimus asked curiously "Yes and no." I unraveled the scroll "I found out how evolution works in this world, and a cult has formed under Unicrons name, they think of him as a God, they even sacrifice others for him." I shivered at the thought "Also, Revive Gap is thought to be a portal to hell so people avoid it." I started reading the scroll "Unicron is no God." Ironhide scuffed.

My eyes glanced over the words of the scroll with out end, the scroll talked about items that were found deep within the planet with strange symbols, rough drawings were placed on the scroll with what I believe are the symbols, but the symbols are Cybertronian runes "Where do you guys find this?" I looked up, each of them had a book or scroll and were reading them "Optimus found it on a shelf near the entrance. He didn't tell us what it was, he only glanced at it for a moment before we came over here, why what does it say?" Bee put his book down and walked over as the others followed "It mentions strange symbols that were found in tunnels inside the planet. But the symbols are Cybertronain." I showed them the drawings "These are indeed our language. But how did you know that?" Optimus asked "Drift and Grimlock taught me." I said sheepishly "But these ones I can't read." I unraveled the scroll a bit more to show more drawings, they looked at them "That is because that is the language of the primes." Optimus spoke placing a servo on the drawing as if forging them into his memory. "You have your own language?" I questioned, as my brain reminded me that in the second movie the prime language was shown on tombs in Egypt, Wheelie had told Sam that. "Correction, we have our own language." He spoke "It is more of a code primes use when talking about information that is best left to a prime." He finished "Right... still trying to get use to the fact I'm a prime now." I mumbled "I don't think the librarian will mind if we take this." I started rolling the scroll up "You guys ready to go?" I asked "We should do a once over first, make sure you didn't over look anything else." Drift spoke as he and Bee walked in separate directions "Ok, I'll be outside waiting. Take your time." I put the scroll into my hood pocket and headed to the entrance.

As I stood outside waiting for the bots to finish I looked at the sky it was a clear night and a full moon, my mind ran miles over the new information I had received, the Matrix could kill me, Knockout broke that news to me just a few days after I came to, it was a lot to take in. Bayverse Prime told me to never use the Matrix again, even if they were endanger, even if I were endanger... that order made me feel so useless, and of course Galvatron made that feeling worse when he told me I don't deserve a title of Prime, of course I agree with him on that, but what he said after that...

"You will only get in the way now, you are of no use to us."

Those words rang in my head with no end. I have to find a way to work with the Matrix. Or at least find a way for it to be of use. I sighed lowly as the doors opened "We found a few more things that may help." Bee spoke happily as they all handed me what they found, two more scrolls and a book "Ok." I mumbled as I held them to my chest "Ready to go?" I asked as the nodded.

The ride back to camp was silent I read the scrolls and book, turns out the book held more cybertronian runes and locations of them while the scrolls talked about more tunnel systems that connect to Revive Gap. When we entered the camp I put the items in my section of the caves but took the scroll with the tunnels drawn on it.

I entered the main part of the camp to see Grimlock and Soundwave looking at the cameras "Hey you two, want to go on an adventure?" I asked them they turned their helms to look at me "What?" Grimlock questioned "I want to explore more into the tunnels and caves, but where I want to go is considered dangerous territory and I know everyone else Wil get both the Primes involved or just say no, so are you in?" I waved the scroll around the looked at each other then shrugged "Sure." Grimlock nodded as Soundwave nodded back to confirm a yes "Sweet, shrink down though, it will be easier." I turned on my heel as they did as told and followed me.

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