Two in The Same

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Male screams echoed throughout the metallic halls as the sound of electricity dulled down. A minute passed followed by a shock and more screams. The giant mech stood outside the arch where his master was settling his business, they had failed 11 times since the run in with the bots in the scrapling cave, trying to catch the human girl called (Y/N).

"Tell me where your base is!" The cybertronian shouted at the humans in front of him. The humans hung by chains from the ceiling, the chains wrapped around their arms, as another pair wrapped around their legs and waist attached to the walls behind them. "Just kill us, you won't get the information out." One male spoke with a smirk, they had cites and bruises over their bodies, it isn't obvious but a few broken bones as well. "Why must you make this hard on yourselves, just tell me and I will spare you." He spoke with annoyance "Loyalty..." "we would rather die..." "then spill the information you want." The two finished the sentence together taking turns.

More screams rang through the halls as the two stayed true to their words of loyalty, the mech that stood outside took his leave for his new missions, with full determination off succeeding.

Your P.O.V

I rolled in my chair, one computer to the next scanning the screens and tapping away on the keyboard before rolling to the next. A month has passed and the events were lax, Megatron and Unicron only showed every other week, but their plans remained the same, kidnap me for my information, they had failed at every turn, but that was enough for them to cause the ultimate cliche act... they took Tyson and Raymi from me. Crosshairs blamed himself, he and Tyson were driving to a new settlement Brains and Hound found when Megatron attacked from no where, sending Crosshairs into a river, he transformed on instinct, forgetting about Tyson, sending the teen down the harsh stream, as Cross fought Megatron, Unicron grabbed the teen and took off into a portal.

Next was Raymi, all our guards were up after that, being more cautious, a week went by no sign of the possessed bots, This time it was Smokescreen and Raymi setting up some more cameras a few miles outside the base when they attacked, Smokescreen was no equal match for them, his arm was blown off as they carried and unconscious Raymi into the portal to where ever. Hound and Arcee had discovered Smokescreen, orders from Optimus since they hadn't com'd in to confirm they had finished their job.

The bots tried to comfort Crosshairs, even Drift would attempt, it ended up ok he was cheered up for a day but when night fell and he realized his human was not around he went back to being an angry raging mess. I myself have been tracking and hacking every camera and audio recorder I could the best I could, Raf and I took turns till I finally decided to just do it myself. I worked non-stop making sure I glimpsed at ever camera before it changed to the next one I hadn't got much sleep, like I care anyway. Like Cross, I blame myself for this, I knew not to come back to the bots, they wouldn't have been a target if I had stayed away, but emotions controlled my choice and I picked the most dangerous.

Heavy steps sounded behind me as I rolled to the next computer "You must rest." A deep voice rumbled, belonging to a prime "I will when I get my friends back." I spoke harshly only to be picked up by metallic digits and held to optic level "Put me down Prime." I ordered "You must rest, when we find them you must be ready for a fight." He started walking down the tunnel "Put me down!" I started wiggling and shouting throwing punches and kicks into the air "I am ordering you to sleep." He placed me down into my cave and left, I bolted only for him to kick me back, landing into my bed "Sit in front of the cave to insure she can not leave." He ordered Fang, whom nodded his head and sat with his head in my cave, his shoulders blocked up the rest of the cave so I couldn't escape "Let me out!" I scooted off my bed and walked up to the metal feline, he closed his optics and purred softly, getting himself comfortable "Seriously!? Let me out I need to find my two idiots!" I tried pushing his head out but he refused to move, I only received a yawn.

I sat down surrounded by darkness, slowly a light faded in as silhouettes formed, they filled out in color till I recognized all of them, the bots and cons stood in a circle around me with the humans in front of them, no one showed emotion "What's wrong?" I asked in a hoarse voice, no one replied "Guys?" I stood up slowly only for them to fade out one by one till Tyson and Raymi remained. I started walking up to them but they slide feet away from me "Hey come back." I reached out and kept walking, my walking went into a run as they slide away from me slowly with no emotion "Come back!" I went into a full on run, their eyes went dark as blood dripped down then, their bodies became paler with each step till finally they faded out completely "Don't leave me! Please!" I ran for a few more feet till collapsing on my knees "Don't leave me alone again!" I became to cry.

I shot up in a panic "You a'right? You were screaming and crying." Crosshairs spoke, he was shrunk down and Fang was peeking in the cave. I blinked a few times before bolting out of bed and hugging the green bot, crying into a shoulder, venting out all the frustration and emotions I've bottled up till now, every ounce just spilled out in each tear, he wrapped his servos around me gently and rubbed my back softly as I cried. Once I had no more tears to shed Cross placed me on my bed again, even threw the blanket on me and sat down on the side "Get some more sleep." He spoke "Stay till I fall asleep please." I grabbed the blanket gently "Planned on it." He nodded as I closed my eyes.

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