Chapter 1

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I'm not entirely familiar with Wattpad because I usually use I am! i have an account on there too (same username) and this story is on there as well but I figured I might just...upload it more places just because ;)

“In sooth, I know not why I am so sad:

It wearies me; you say it wearies you.” Antonio, the Merchant of Venice

I let out a breath of relief as I got off of the plane. My older sister Bella trailed behind me, tripping on the way. Catching her arm, I pulled out my headphones and then looked around for dad.

“Bella! Marley!” Looking up, I couldn’t help but to grin seeing our dad standing awkwardly with a half grin on his face.

Squealing, I tackled Charlie into a hug, savoring how it felt to hug him. It was forever since I had last seen him and I was definitely a daddy’s girl. Since Bella wasn’t as close to him, they greeted each other awkwardly and soon we were driving home.

I had mixed feelings about the move. It was something that I wanted to do years ago and finally Bella and our mother were on board. I was finally away from our overbearing mother who seemed to like to hover around me more than anything. It was understandable but it wasn’t something that I was comfortable with.

With that I knew that going to a new school was going to be hard. It wasn’t that I was shy. It was that I... was uncomfortable around most people and they always put me on edge. I enjoyed solitude.

Bella and Charlie talked about before going silent quickly. I almost laughed at their weak exchange but couldn’t force myself to doing it. I was too stressed out to laugh.

What if I made a fool of myself on the first day? What if nobody liked me? I was too behind in my classes..? What if I-

“Marley we’re here.” Bella opened my car door and I couldn’t help but to smile as I looked up at the house.

Everything about it was familiar besides the truck that was sitting in the front. Everything about the poor thing screamed Bella and by her overzealous reaction, I could tell that she loved it too.

Brushing past the two, I made my way to the familiar room that I could claim as mine. Everything seemed to be the same as I left it. The light brown walls flowed together with the old bed that was shoved to the side. A chair was in the corner next to my closet and my desk was right in front of the window. Being able to look outside while working was going to be amazing. While the room wasn’t much, it would soon

For the rest of the night I unpacked my clothes and got ready for the next day. I couldn’t stay still with the thoughts of school the next day and I certainly couldn’t fall asleep.

Though it took forever, the next day came and I examined my appearance in the mirror, pleased with what hours of nothing gave me.

Like my sister Bella, I had the same pale skin though mine was just something that came with staying inside all day. My hair was the same rich brunette though it curled more naturally and I had bangs that fell into my eyes. Blue eyes unlike the brown that Bella had. That was probably the only feature that I really liked. I wasn’t slender like Bella which always made me feel self-conscious though with that... I also was curvier. Luckily I almost the same height as Bella despite our two year age difference.

“Marley! Are you done in there already?” Bella pounded on the bathroom door, annoyance laced in her voice.

I looked at what I was wearing and then gave a partial shrug to myself. Opening the door, I brushed past my older sister and let her in.

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