Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"I thought that the world had lost its sway

It's so hard sometimes

Then I fell in love with you

Then came you

And you took that away

It's not so difficult

The world is not so difficult

You take away the old

Show me the new

And I feel like I can fly when I stand next to you

So while I'm on this phone

A hundred miles from home

I'll take the words you gave me and send them back to you"

Blue October-Calling You

"You'll call when you get home?"

I pressed my forehead up against his, a sad smile on my face because I knew that this was going to be our last goodbye for a while… A while for me. It probably was going to feel like seconds for him.

"For sure." I breathed stared into those eyes… those sad golden eyes which were boring into my own. "It's not going to be for forever you know."

"I know sweetheart… that doesn't mean that I won't miss you though."

"I've got something for you…" He seemed embarrassed as he spoke and I tilted my head to the side as he pulled a worn notebook out of his jacket. I took it delicately and stared at the material before looking back up to him. "It's… I thought you might like it. It's just something… that I put together and… I'll miss you."

I smiled a bit at the thought and couldn't help but to be pleased at the gift. It was handmade from the looks of it and I loved it more than anything I had ever received… and I hadn't even looked at it yet.

We stood there for a moment before the flight attendant called out my flight and I felt my stomach fall.

"I've got to go hun…" I muttered and he pulled me into a suffocating embrace which I was glad to return.

"If I could go with you I would." He whispered into my ear and I nodded trying to hold back my emotions.

"I know. I know… I've got to go now… Promise that you'll skype me?" I asked and he kissed me on the lips… That was enough for me to know that he would.

Reluctantly I let go of Jasper. I swung my bag over my shoulder and walked over to the ticket lady- trying to remind myself that this was my choice and that it was something that would be good for me. For both of us…

"I love you Jazz." I whispered staring at the man who would wait for me. He gave me a sad smile and made a heart with his hands.

It was cheesy but… it made my heart swell. I would miss him more than the world.

I settled in my seat on the plane and opened the notebook- the paper crinkling as I did so. My eyes started to water as I looked at what was on the page and I shook my head trying not to cry. He was… so beyond perfect.


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