Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Bella was a wreck.

Okay that was an understatement. There's no really good way to describe what was happening to my sister. She constantly looked as if the life had gotten sucked out of her. Like... excuse my geeky comment, she had been given the Dementor's kiss.

The worse part about it all was that a month had already past since they left. I understood the first few weeks but now... Enough was enough.

In the back of my mind I knew that something like this was going to happen. Jasper and the Cullen's were vampires. Bella and I were humans. We just didn't fit it and though it hurt, it was expected.

Charlie was having a heard time coping with one heartbroken teen, so I refused to lose myself like her. Of course I had my few moments but I pushed my pain into the back of my mind. I didn't need to worry about it.

With the new found free time that I had, I worked on improving myself.

My grades were slowly but surely getting better since I had nothing else to do. When I wasn't doing something I was drawing or doing something with art.

Hours upon hours I would spend in my room, sketching, drawing, or painting. Everything was improving so much and when I worked with art.. I could ignore everything. When I worked with art it was my way of letting go. It relaxed me and it was my passion.

"Marley! I'm going to head to La Push! You want to watch Bella?"

Charlie broke my train of thoughts and I couldn't help but to smile a bit at him. If Dad was okay after the divorce with Renee, then Bella was going to be okay after Edward.

"Are you visiting Billy and Jacob?" I questioned a smile forming on my face.

I had always been fond of La Push when I was younger and Billy was like an uncle to me too. I hadn't seen him in forever either. It would have been better than babysitting Bella.

"Football game today around noon. Wanna tag along? You can drive?" His grin grew as I nodded.

Calling to Bella that we were going to be gone all day, Charlie wrapped an arm around my shoulders as we walked to his car. Thanks to Charlie being a cop, I was a decent driver and it was almost garenteed that next month (when it was going to be my birthday) I was going to get my license.

The Black's was just how I remembered it. Small, a bit run down, yet homey just like I remembered it. I missed this place.

"Charlie! And is that Marley? Wow you've grown! Come in you guys!" Billy opened the front door for us with a large grin on his face.

Grabbing a handful of the junk food that we brought, I rushed into the house, pulling Billy into a hug. I dumped the food on the kitchen counter then helped Charlie bring in the rest.

"Jake's in the garage with a few friends if you don't wanna hang out with a few farts like us." Billy called from the living room.

Thanking him, I knew that I wouldn't last a whole day of football so I rushed into their garage. Not bothering to knock, I flung open the door just to meet an interesting sight. Not knocking was my first mistake... I probably should have knocked.

Jacob was face down on the floor, one arm "pinned behind his back. The guy who was pinning him was mocking him about something while pulling on his hair. The burliest of the group was leaning against one of the walls laughing at the two.

"Is the game on yet dad?" Jake asked pushing the one guy off of him. None of them even bothered looking over at me.

"You know Jake, just because we haven't seen each other in a while, that doesn't mean that you have to confuse me with you father." I snorted and heads snapped towards me.

I leaned up against the closed door with a smirk at their shocked looks.

"MAR-MAR!" Jacob pretty much shrieked and tackled me into a hug.

Gasping for air, I tried to pull him off of me, to no avail.

"Jacob you're choking her." The burlier of his friends laughed pulling Jake off of me. I thanked him blushing, fully taking in his muscles and over all attractive appearance.

After getting introduced to the two, Quil being the burly one and Embry being the other, I found myself perched on the back of Jake's car chatting with Quil. Jake and Embry were both working on the car and spouting out nonsense that I really couldn't understand.

"So how's Bella doing?" Jake called after a while, his voice a bit muffled from being under the car.

I played with a lock of my hair for a moment trying to decide how to respond. How was I supposed to tell Jacob that she was a wreck. I knew that he liked her a lot and how was I supposed to break it to him?

"She's... been better." I sighed after a while.

Silence followed my statement and after a moment Quil nudged me in the shoulder, offering a soda to me.

"So what do you like to do in your free time?" Quil asked with a grin taking the seat next to me.

I was about to say nothing when of course Jacob had to interrupt me.

"I remember that you were quite an artist as a kid. Colored all over the walls whenever you visited this place. Billy wasn't too happy about that." He laughed loudly and I rolled my eyes.

"I still am into art if that's what you're getting at."

We all fell into an easy going chat and for once... I was happy with this. I was happy that I could talk easily with people that I didn't want to punch in the face. La Push and the people here were starting to look pretty good to me.

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