Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"You know… I missed days like these." Jasper murmured and I rolled my eyes at him. He had been trying to get into my good books for a bit more than a week by being sweet and while it was sweet… I had secretly forgiven him a while ago. And because of that… I was trying to be as obnoxious as possible.

At the moment we were both sitting on Dad's couch. I had just finished my homework so Sherlock was playing on the TV though neither of us were really watching. I was mentally going through the new art supplies I was going to need for my latest project and Jasper was playing Pokémon.

As shallow as it sounded it was nice…to have him grovel for forgiveness because he had a 3DS and said that I was allowed to play Pokémon X whenever I wanted. And let me tell you… I had been wanting to play it for months.

Dad had refused to buy it for me. Saying that I was already addicted to the regular Pokémon and a new one meant that I would be staying up too late and cooped up in my room for ages. While I didn't deny that that didn't make me happy.

"I did too." I muttered back and then couldn't help but to grin to myself.

Decided that I wanted to be as annoying as possible I let out a yawn and stretched as far as I could, completely laying right on top of him. With a content smile, I shifted a bit then made myself comfortable. Happy with the fact that he hadn't done anything besides laugh.

"You're enjoying this too much aren't you?" Jazz asked and smacked my lips a few times and turned to look at him for a moment.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I smirked and he rolled his eyes trying to continue to play Pokémon despite our position.

We both watched as he easily defeated the gym leader with one of his Pokémon the saved and quit the game. Grabbing my waist he spun me around so that I was now facing him.

"What nowww?" I pouted and he rolled his eyes with that lopsided smile of his.

Sometimes when I was with him I thought I was dreaming… it was cheesy yet I did. For the longest time I had dreamed about Jasper coming back and things being normal yet that never happened. And now he was back… My Jasper was back in my life.

"I have a surprise for you tonight. I've already checked with Charlie and he is allowing you to go out. Alice will be over around five to help you get ready and we will be leaving the house at six. Is that alright with you darlin'?" He asked and I could tell that he was a bit nervous.

I tilted my head to the side curious as to what he had planned then nodded. I couldn't help but to feel a twinge of guilt at the fact that he believed that I hadn't forgiven him…

"You know that I'm not mad right?" I asked placing my hand on his cheek. I wanted to stay in this position forever yet it wasn't something that I knew couldn't happen.

He grinned and his eyes shinned as he placed his hand on top of my own. With a coy grin he then pulled it to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on my palm.

"Darlin' I know… but that doesn't make me any less sorry." He stated causing my smile to grin even more.

Hours later I was in the family bathroom with Alice tugging on my hair despite my protests. Jasper was due to be at the house in about ten minutes and Alice kept on insisting on doing and redoing my hair. It was annoying if you asked me.

Alice finally decided just pull it up into a high pony tail so it was natural yet still looked nice. She quickly did up my face then threw me a lavender dress.

Pulling it on I looked in the mirror and was…stunned at the sight. Not to sound vain but I looked gorgeous. The dress showed off my curves perfectly. The makeup made me look more alive than I though and my eyes popped. I was speechless.

"Jasper's going to knock on the door. You need to get downstairs!" Alice squealed jumping up and down and I raised an eyebrow at her. Nobody should be that as perky as she was.

She pulled me down the stairs jumping up and down and I saw both Jasper and my Dad at the door way. From the looks of it they were getting along besides the few uncomfortable looks from Jasper. He was still getting used to Dad's scent.

My throat tightened at the sight of Jasper. He was wearing a purple button down shirt with a long dress coat over. His jeans hung on his hips and his honey blond hair messy yet neat at the same time. He looked gorgeous in every way.

Jasper grinned down at me, his eyes the golden color that I absolutely loved. Leaning down he pecked my cheek before turning back to Dad.

"I'll have her back by ten? That alright sir?" Jasper asked and Charlie grinned at the sight of us together.

While he wasn't fond of Edward because of all of the crap that he put Bella through.. Jazz was on his good list. He approved of Jasper's formalities and how respectful he could be. Sure the whole technically "one and a half years older than me" irked him yet after watching a football game with Jasper a few days ago and those two debating strategies… that fixed any dislike he had towards Jazz.

"Tomorrow's not a school night… Make it 11. Just don't do anything bad. Such as breaking the law…" Charlie eyed us and I rolled my eyes. Cop Dad was back. "If I hear anything about underage drinking, drugs…"

"Sir she's in safe hands. I wouldn't let her poison herself like that." Jazz grinned and after bidding the two of them goodbye, Jasper and I were driving away.

My leg bounced up and down as Jasper drove. He was looking at me in pure awe and I literally could feel his emotions being emitted off of him. And because of that I really wanted to kiss him… I would have anyways yet those feelings were doubled.

Not soon enough we pulled up to a small shop that sat next to the cafe that Charlie would always take us. The place looked…perfect. Reading the sign I saw that it read The Reader's Nook. I wondered why I had never seen this place before.

"I know the owner of this place and he's letting us borrow it for tonight." Jasper smiled from my side and held the door open for me. I climbed out carefully making sure that my dress wouldn't ride up.

He offered his arm and I looped mine through his own and we made our way into the place.

Though it didn't look like much from outside the inside was stunning. To me at least. Books lined the walls and well-worn yet comfortable looking chairs were scattered around the place. What caught my eye though was the fact that in-between two of the plush chairs was a table with food and candles all sitting neatly on top.

I almost froze at the sight because all of this was just… too perfect.

"Jasper you…" I choked up not able to come up with anything. He grinned down at me and pulled me close to his side as we stared at his work.

"Do you know why today is so special?" He asked and I shook my head trying to calm down my emotions.

His honey gold eyes met my own and his expression softened as he stared down at me. My fingers intertwined with his own and I waited for his answer.

"Exactly one year ago from today I admitted that I fell in love with you. Marley you… have helped me realize that I can be strong and I need you as much as you need me. And Marley… I love you and I have never stopped loving you." He leaned down so that our foreheads were touching as he spoke and I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"The first day that you came here I could feel your emotions and though I usually try and stay away from humans… something about you enthralled me. So when I almost hurt you… when I almost killed your sister… I couldn't deal with it… and I never knew that it would hurt the both of us so much. I understand that we may never be the same yet I learned from it and I would give you the world if you asked for it Mar."

For once in my life… I wasn't worried about the fact that I couldn't control my emotions.

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