Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

I fiddled with the strap of my bag nervously-unsure about how this all was going to go down. I felt a bit bad. Everyone was out and I was stuck in the Cullen's house with Edward and Bella… I was stuck in the huge house with just my sister and her boyfriend.

The rest of the clan was out hunting- trying to get as strong as possible before everything happened. Originally I was going to stay at my house while Bella and Edward had their little adventure but Jasper didn't want to leave me alone… and he needed to hunt. After much arguing we finally decided that I was going to stay here at the Cullen's with Bella and Edward. I just hoped that nothing bad would be going on. And because of that I refused to go upstairs.

I stared blankly at the TV trying to ignore the shifting that was going on upstairs. Oh how I would have loved to not be able to hear that… Turning up the volume I pulled my legs up and wrapped the blanket around myself trying to get warm. It was freezing in here.

"Things'll be okay…" I whispered running a hand through my hair. Slouching even more on the couch I grabbed one of the pillows and pulled it to my chest trying to not panic or anything.

In less than a week I was going to Florida… In less than a week I would be away from all of this and while it was chaos I still loved it. It felt like home despite how much it scared the shit out of me. This whole vampire war thing was making me rethink everything to be honest.

What if Jasper or one of the Cullen's got hurt? What if one of them died trying to save my sister and I… The only reason why I was going with them was because they were afraid that Victoria would go after me as well because James had died while hunting Bella and myself. If I did go home last week like I was supposed to would I have died anyways.

"Just stop it." I grumbled to myself and slid deeper into the couch burrowing myself into it. It was too late to think about these things and honestly- tomorrow and the day after were going to be hell. That was when I needed to freak out. Not now.

His eyes bore into my own- a deep piercing red. Distantly I remembered that I had seen those eyes before… but from where? I watched as he took a step closer to me and despite the fact that I had tried to move… I couldn't. Soon enough he was right in front of me. Our bodies too close for me to be comfortable. Our chests pressing up against each other.

"You smell… divine." He whispered into my hair and I shuddered at his cool breath. Once again I tried to get away yet one of his hands gripped my arm in a too painful grip.

It had felt like my arm was burning. I screamed and screamed trying to get away from him. Why couldn't he just let me go?

"This won't hurt too much…" He murmured pressing his lips to my throat. Before I could register what was going on his teeth sunk into my flesh- sending a blinding pain through my body causing me to scream out.

"Marley…Mar- Marley!"

I gasped for air as my eyes snapped open. Looking around frantically I saw Jasper sitting on the couch next to me looking beyond concerned. Almost subconsciously I put a hand on my neck and then looked down at it finding no blood.

No blood… Everything was good.

Glancing out of the window I frowned seeing that it was so early. My head was throbbing from the dream yet I ignored that while trying to figure out why Jasper was here. Wasn't he supposed to be hunting?

A cool hand of his was placed on my leg and I felt a wave of calm wash over- overpowering my fears. I hadn't had a dream that intense for what seemed like years though I knew that it had been only a few months.

"Are you alright darlin'?" he asked pulling me into his lap. I bit my lip and nodded feeling like a child. Brushing away that I hugged him tightly to me. This whole situation was beyond stressful for me and part of me wanted to laugh while the other… the other wanted to cry like a baby.

"Why are you here?" I croaked and then winced at how hoarse my voice had sounded. This was what nightmares did to me.

He ran a hand through my hair and then sighed, nuzzling me in the neck a bit. I couldn't help but to smile a bit at that. We only had so much time left together…

"Edward gave me a call…he sounded a bit concerned and couldn't get away from Bella to help you out…" I couldn't help but to snort about that. That sounded like those two.

"He shouldn't have taken you away from hunting though… You're the start hunter and if you're not up to par something might happen and-" He pressed his lips on me successfully cutting me off and I couldn't help but to melt into his grip.

He was the man that I loved. I tangled my hands up into his hair and pulled him tighter- our lips working furiously against each other. Oh I was going to miss the feel of having him here with me.

"You don't have to leave you know…" He drawled against me and I gazed into his soft golden eyes.

"It will only be a year at the most hun. You've lived longer than that so it'll be fine." I smiled and he shook his head pulling away from my face though pulling me into a tight hug.

"I will be counting the seconds that you are gone Mar. You're the one and without you here with me for a year… I don't know what I'll do with myself." His breath tickled my ear as he spoke and I couldn't help but to feel a pang of guilt at his words.


"Mar- even though I will miss you with all of my being… you do need to get out for a while and then we will spend the rest of eternity together."

I faced him with a grin and pecked his cheek liking the sound of that. It will sound cheesy but Jasper was my savior. He had helped me in my time of need and if he hadn't gotten to me so fast… I probably wouldn't be here.

Because of that… I felt like I owed him my life. And that was something that I was okay with.

The Cullen's got home around noon to find Jasper and I curled up on the couch watching television though mainly talking quietly to ourselves. The whole mood seemed to change when they stepped in though.

Alice brushed by us and then stomped towards Bella and Edward both who seemed happy despite themselves.

"What's with her?" I muttered underneath my breath and Jasper chucked causing his whole chest to rumble and me to almost swoon.

"Bella and Edward plan on going to get married in Vegas. Alice being Alice wants to throw a wedding and I have a feeling that that is what is going to happen." He laughed and I couldn't help but to join him.

Leave it up to Alice to high jack Bella and Edward's wedding. I couldn't help but to resent the two a bit though I was more than pleased as well. Was this really the time to get engaged?

Jasper's arms tightened and I looked up to see him staring down at me- a soft expression on his face. Smiling a bit I laid a kiss on his arm and then faced the TV again while ignoring Alice and Bella arguing from upstairs.

Despite the fact that there were no kids… this place really did feel like home… and maybe I was more ready to live like they were than I thought.

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